Hawaii/Major roads/Main View history

Functional Classification

Hawaii is following the Functional Classification (FC) system for the USA, according to the federal Functional Classification standards adopted by the state Department of Transportation. Please do not alter roadway types without consulting with a state manager.

Lock Levels

We observe the following minimum lock levels for Waze road types:

  Freeway  5
  Ramp  5
  Major Highway  4
  Minor Highway  3
  Primary Street  2
All Others 1

Note that these are minimums and, for protection, certain segments may be at higher lock levels.

Mile Markers/Mile Posts

In Hawaii, road closures are often reported by the Department of Transportation and the local Police Department at Mile Marker/Mile Post numbers because of the long stretches of country roads with minimal landmarks or intersections. The usage of Place Points is advantageous for editors in the case of closing roads for maintenance or accidents by allowing the Mile Marker/Mile Post to be searchable from inside the Waze Map Editor. If you find a Mile Marker/Mile Post on Waze Streetview that has not yet been placed in the map, please follow these steps to create one:

  1. Find the approximate area where the Mile Marker/Mile Post is on the map
  2. Add a transportation Place Point along the road where the Mile Marker/Mile Post exists
  3. Ensure that the category of the Place Point is Junction/Interchange
  4. Add the Primary Name of the point as [highway name] [highway number] MM ##. For instance, Mile Marker 31 on Piilani Hwy in Kaupō, Maui will have the Primary Name of "'Piilani Hwy CR-31 MM 31'". If you do not know the highway number, please ask for help to find the highway number via the Forum or the Hawaii Google Hangout.
  5. Add an alternate name with the abbreviation of Mile Post instead of Mile Marker for searchability i.e. "'Piilani Hwy CR-31 MP 31'"
  6. Mile Markers/Mile Posts should be saved as editor level 4, if you cannot save it as level 4, please contact one of the State Managers to raise the level of the new Mile Marker/Mile Post via the Forum or the Hawaii Google Hangout

See Hawaii/Major roads for guidance in Hawaii that may not be universal to all other states and territories.