Arizona/OLD TEMP/Construction View history

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This page is for long term construction projects that are going on in the state of Arizona. All information is gathered from the Arizona Dept of Transportation and all local municipalities Traffic Dept (When available).

The project areas are divided into six sections:

  • Phoenix Metro Area
  • North Central
  • Far West
  • Southeast
  • South Central
  • Northeast



County City Roadway Date Area Manager Details



Tempe US-89 FEB 2013 DEC 2014 Hardy Drive will be periodically restricted in both directions between University Drive and Broadway Road from March 24 to January 2015 to allow for construction of the Hardy Drive Bicycle, Pedestrian and Streetscape Project.

For more information, visit




DEC 2011 The Arizona Department of Transportation will be improving the Loop 303 corridor to create a six-lane freeway with three general-purpose lanes in each direction between Interstate 17 in Phoenix and I-10 in Goodyear.
DEC 2011 DEC 2014 Loop 303 / I-10 Traffic Interchange: December 2011 to fall 2014
2014 Camelback Road to Glendale Avenue: Construction through 2014
Late 2014 Loop 303 / US 60 (Grand Avenue) Interchange: Construction scheduled to begin late 2014
Mid-2014 US 60 (Grand Avenue) to Happy Valley Parkway: Construction scheduled to begin mid-2014
Late 2014 El Mirage Traffic Interchange: Construction scheduled to begin late 2014
2016 Loop 303: From I-10 to Van Buren
2023 Loop 303: From Van Buren to MC-85
Phoenix Broadway Rd- 15th to 24th St MAY 2014 DEC 2014 Broadway Road between 15th and 24th streets is restricted to one lane in each direction beginning on Thursday, May 1, due to sewer main improvements. This project is expected to be completed in December.

Pedestrian, residential, and business access will be maintained.

Drivers are highly encouraged to use an alternate route or allow for additional travel time during this period.


6th Place east of Center 5/6/2014 6/4/2014 24hr closure- 6th Place east of Center closed for water main repair.]

Start/End Dates: 05/06/2014 - 06/04/2014

Start/End Times: 8:30AM - 4:00PM

Restriction Type: Complete Closure

Alma School & Guadalupe 4/30/2014 8/19/2014 Daily local sidewalk and parking lane closures (north of Guadalupe and east of Alma School) for SRP conduit installation.

Start/End Dates: 04/30/2014 - 08/19/2014

Start/End Times: 7:00AM - 4:30PM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Broadway & Center 1/6/2014 7/1/2014 24hr restriction--East and westbound right lanes closed approaching the UPRR XING with a speed reduction.

Start/End Dates: 01/06/2014 - 07/01/2014

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Dobson & UPRR Crossing 3/31/2014 6/17/2014 24HR RESTRICTION---Dobson restricted at the RR crossing to one lane northbound and two lanes southbound for gas

line relocation work.

Start/End Dates: 03/31/2014 - 06/17/2014

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Lindsay from Eastern Canal to McKellips 1/7/2014 12/14/2014 All traffic shifted east to a single lane northbound and southbound for a 72" waterline installation project. 24 hour


Start/End Dates: 01/07/2014 - 12/14/2014

Start/End Times: 8:30AM - 4:00PM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Lindsay from Southern to Consolidated Canal 4/8/2014 6/16/2014 Lindsay Road reduced to one lane northbound and southbound for landscaping. Daily closure.

Start/End Dates: 04/08/2014 - 06/16/2014

Start/End Times: 8:30AM - 4:00PM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Main St - Sycamore to Hobson 5/30/2014 6/30/2014 Main Street 24hr restrictions - One lane each way for light rail construction.

Start/End Dates: 05/30/2012 - 06/30/2015

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Main St. Hobson to Ashland 10/21/2013 6/30/2015 Eastbound left lane closed - westbound left two lanes closed (traffic in parking lane) for rail storage and welding.

Start/End Dates: 10/21/2013 - 06/30/2015

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Pasadena and Brown 5/6/2014 6/4/2014 Pasadena between 1001 N. and Brown Rd closed for water main repair.

Start/End Dates: 05/06/2014 - 06/04/2014

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Complete Closure

Power & Verona 3/7/2014 8/30/2014 Verona Road closed by the City of Mesa Transportation Department for roadway improvement completion. 24 hour


Start/End Dates: 03/07/2014 - 08/30/2014

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Complete Closure

Sossaman and Ulysses 4/21/2014 4/30/2016 Northbound left turn lane closed for road work on Ulysses. 24 hour closure.

Start/End Dates: 04/21/2014 - 04/30/2016

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction

Southern - Alma School to Dobson 6/10/2014 9/30/2014 24hr Restrictions: Southern between Dobson and Alma School will be restricted to one lane each way with a center turn

lane for the Southern Ave improvement project.

Start/End Dates: 06/10/2013 - 09/30/2014

Start/End Times: 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Restriction Type: Partial Restriction