User:Kadyus/Area Managers (AM) - MY View history

An Area Manager (AM) is a Waze community member (a user) who wishes to take a proactive role in maintaining specific areas of the Waze map. Those specific areas of the map are added to their Editable area permanently, regardless of if they have driven there recently, as long as they are active as an AM.


Responsibilities of an area manager include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Respond to and correct map issue as reported in user Update Requests (UR).
  • Moderate and harmonize the Place Update Request (PUR) according to the local guidelines.
  • Process and resolve system generated Map Problems (MP).
  • Handle unlock/relock requests within their level in the managed area.
  • Make changes to the map when road construction projects start and finish by maintaining new geometry, adding or deleting roads and disconnecting and re-connecting segments.
  • Act as a mentor to other editors, offering advice in both the Telegram/forums and when you see improper edits on the map.


The position of Area Manager is by appointment. You must meet these requirements before submitting the application to become an AM:

  • a Rank 2 map editor or higher.
  • have completed at least 3000 quality edits.
  • have at least a few months of experience editing the Waze maps regularly.
  • have read and followed the guidelines for mapping found in the Wazeopedia, starting at the Waze Map Editing page.
  • have a real Waze username which does not start with world_, usa_ or israel_.
  • have forum PMs enabled and associated with a valid and verifiable email address.
  • be active in the Regional Telegram, asking questions, and even providing guidance for newer editors, if possible.
  • have a mentor (existing AM or higher).
  • have gone thru formal/informal mentoring.
  • knows which area (City/Town) you are interested to manage.

Note that Area Manager appointments expire after 90 days of inactivity, but can be extended by contacting the Local Champs.

Required reading

Before applying to become an AM, you will be expected to have read the following wiki pages and forums.


Be sure to also find and read the editing guidelines specific to Malaysia.


You should also read these forum posts and know where the Unlock Request is located

Application process

Identifying your area

In Waze Map Editor, position the map and set the zoom level to show the area you want to manage. Take note of the city name that you are interested to manage.

Starting from February 2020, Malaysia is using predetermined state and district/sub-district/city/town based polygons for granting the manage area.


  • More than one Area Manager can manage the same area.
  • Areas can overlap, be smaller or larger. Notice the orange area of the map has two managers.
  • You can also be the AM for more than one area (area expansion is only eligible to existing AM).

Application form

If you would like to become an Area Manager or expand your existing area, you will need to complete an application form covered in this forum.