Places (Malaysia)/ms View history

Tempat adalah destinasi carian dalam Peta Waze. Ianya menerupai "Tempat Menarik (P.O.I.)" yang ada pada alat popular GPS tertentu.

Kawasan pada tempat muncul sebagai poligon dalam aplikasi Waze. Terlalu banyak poligon boleh jadi berkelompok dalam peta dan boleh membuat Wazer keliru dan tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan aplikasi Waze. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk menggunakan kawasan bagi tempat yang tersendiri dan cukup penting untuk orientasi pemandu

Titik pada tempat tidak ditunjukkan dalam Peta Waze. Ia boleh digunakkan untuk membantu Wazer mencari tempat umum, terutamanya apabila tempat tersebut belum lagi disenaraikan dalam enjin carian lain.

Jadual Kategori Dan Jenis Tempat dapat memberi garis panduan untuk membantu penyuting peta membuat keputusan menggunakan Titik atau Kawasan.

Butiran Tempat

Setiap Tempat, sama ada Titik atau Kawasan, harus mempunyai sebanyak butiran selengkap yang mungkin. Ini termasuk nama, kategori yang betul, dan alamat penuh jalan bandar dan negeri. Jika mana-mana Tempat tidak mempunyai Bandar atau Jalan, tandakan kotak semak Tiada.

Tab Umum

Tab Umum bagi Tempat adalah di mana anda melengkapkan semua maklumat asas: kategori, nama, huraian, jenama gas, kediaman / awam, negara, negeri, bandar, jalan dan nombor rumah.

Berikut adalah satu contoh Stesen Gas Kawasan dengan butiran yang lengkap:

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Place Details


Kami memilih kira-kira 120 kategori berdasarkan kepada apa yang pengguna Waze selalu cari. Matlamat kami adalah untuk mengadakan seberapa banyak kategori yang boleh, dan kita memahami mungkin masih terdapat banyak tempat tanpa kategori yang tepat dan sesuai. Bagi tempat-tempat ini, sila gunakan kategori yang tersesuai sekali.

  • Satu tempat boleh mempunyai beberapa kategori
  • Kategori Utama mesti dimasukkan pada tempat pertama
  • Kategori Utama akan dipaparkan dalam bayangan gelap biru berbanding dengan kategori yang lain
  • Kategori Utama akan menentukan sama ada tempat tersebut adalah dalam bentuk Titik atau Kawasan


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The correct naming format is to Capitalize Each Word.
When naming Point Places which are contained within an Area Place in this way, it may be desirable to include the Area's name in the separate Point Place names. If this is desirable, name the Point Places with the specific name first, followed by a hyphen, followed by the Area name, as such:

Point Specific Name - Area General Name

For example, "Faculty of Agriculture - UPM" or "Hush Puppies - Mid Valley Megamall". There are two exceptions: airport Point Places, and emergency rooms.
Primary Name

  • Must in the alphanumeric format.
  • Must follow the actual name that show on their business signboard or the name that show on their official website.
  • For the Gas Station the primary name must clearly indicate the brand of the gasoline a gas station sells.

Alternative Name

  • The name that use/known by local.
  • Any name that are not in the alphanumeric format (Example : 中文, بهاس جاوي , 日本の, 한국의)
Branches / Business Outlet Locator

For the place that have multiple outlet, please use the place locator to verify it official name.

Category Locator Remark
Gas Station


  • The primary name must clearly indicate the brand of the gasoline a gas station sells.
  • Primary name format :-
    Brand of the Gasoline - Station Name
  • For the name of the owner can be insert as Alternate Name.

Example :-
Primary Name  : BHPetrol – Taman Kosas
Alternate Name : BHPetrol (Topaz Tamasek Sdn Bhd)

Bank / Finance

Public Bank
Bank Rakyat
Hong Leong Bank
Standard Chartered Bank
Bank Of China

  • Primary name format :-
    Name of the bank - Branch name
  • If the bank have other name (not in alphanumeric character), please insert it as Alternate Name.

Example 1 :-
Primary Name  : Bank Of China – Puchong
Alternate Name : 中国银行 - 蒲种分行

Example 2 :-
Primary Name  : Bank Rakyat – Subang Perdana
Alternate Name : بيڠک رعية

Food & Drink

Pizza Hut
Burger King
Domino Pizza
Kenny Roger Roasters
The Chicken Rice Shop
Old Town White Coffee
Dunkin Donuts

  • Primary name format :-
    Fast Food / Restoran - Outlet/store name

Example :-
Primary Name  : KFC – Taman Taming Jaya

Shopping Center

The Store

Follow the shopping center name show on the outlet signboard or use the name show on the shopping center locator
Convenience Store


KK Super Mart
99 Speedmart
Tunas Manja

  • Primary name format :-
    Convenience Store / Supermarket name - Outlet name
  • 7-Eleven, 7-Eleven in the Primary Name field and 7-11 in the Alternate Name field
  • Tunas Manja, please follow the official name as show on the Supermarket locator
Car Dealership


Proton Edar Sdn. Bhd.
Naza KIA Malasyia Sdn. Bhd.
UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd.
Volkswagen Group Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Hino Motors

  • Primary name format :-
    Brand [ Car Dealer / Garage Owner ]
  • For the normal car dealership and garage, just use the name show on the place signboard.

Example :-
Primary Name  : Perodua [Otomobil Sepadu Sdn. Bhd.]


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If you know what brand gasoline a gas station sells, you should select it as the Brand. Stations named after their brands, such as big companies like PETRONAS, Shell, Petron, Mobil, ESSO, are easy to identify the brand which should be selected. If the brand gasoline a gas station sells is new and isn't available in the drop down list, leave the field blank.
This field is only available for the Gas Station.


BEWARE: Do not use the Description field for notes to other editors. This field is visible in the Waze app, and should only contain details pertinent to the Place itself.


Places considered fundamental to the functioning of the Waze app, such as Gas Stations, should be locked at least to Level 3 to prevent loss of data due to automatic acceptance of submissions from Trusted Users. Other complex, intricate, or crucial Places such as Police Stations, Fire Departments, Airports, Parks should also be considered for locking to prevent loss of data.

Note :-
Please lock all the moderated places at minimum Level 3.


Public places can be turned into private places, but private places cannot be turned into public places. Use this to convert places mistakenly labeled as public into private. Private places only contain photos and an exact address, without all the other properties of a place.


When all the detail below has been complete, click the Apply button. If no changes are to be made, click the Cancel button.

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  • Use the Street Name that near to the place entrance.
  • If the road does not have a name, the "None" check box should be selected and street name left blank.
  • Only Street Name are allow. Do not include the house number and the name of residential area in the street field

House Number

  • Definitions :-
    • The unique number given to each building on a street which forms part of that building's address
    • The street address numbers painted on a building (or an object such as a mailbox or post near the building), or painted on the curb of the street in front of the building.
    • House Number is the system of giving a unique number to each building in a street or area, with the intention of making it easier to locate a particular building. The house number is often part of a postal address. The term describes the number of any building (residential or not) or vacant lot with a mailbox.
  • Please do not confuse the house number with the phone number.
  • Leave the House Number field blank if you don't know the place house number.

Use the name of the city that the place located

Only Malaysia are allow in the Country field cause you are editing in Malaysia

More Info Tab

In the More Info tab is additional helpful information for the Place. Here you will add phone number, website, additional services, and hours of operation:

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Place More Info


Services help users decide if they should drive to a particular place. Here are descriptions of available services. Waze uses the same set of services for every place type. The service checkbox only has two states, 'yes' or 'no answered', thus there is no way to determine if a place either does not have a service or an editor hasn't added one yet.

Valet service The place has valet parking whereby drivers can valet their car, leaving it with an attendant who will park it for them. These services could be free or fee-based.

Drive-through The place has a drive-through window, which serves food or other items via window that allows the driver not to leave their vehicle. Restaurants, banks, and pharmacies often have drive-through windows.

Wi-Fi The place has free Wi-Fi available for customers. Wi-Fi can be completely open, or accessible with a password that the place operator supplies the user.

Restrooms The place has public restrooms where customers can use a toilet.

Accepts credit cards The place accepts any type of credit card for payment of goods or services. At this time Waze does not differentiate between credit card types.

Reservations The place accepts reservations, i.e. a reserved time for dining in the place.

Outdoor seating The place allows diners to eat outside, weather permitting. Outdoor seating may be on the curb, sidewalk, or in a fenced in area on the premises.

Air conditioning The place has air conditioning, to cool and dehydrate the air when the ambient temperature considered to be warm or hot. This may be possible to infer by looking for air conditioning condensers or chillers on roofs or near buildings on aerial photography within the Waze Map Editor.

Parking for customers The place has parking for customers where they can leave their car, which could be free or for a fee, where the customer parks their own car and walks to the place.

Deliveries At this time this service is unclear. It could mean that the place either accepts deliveries, e.g. from UPS or FedEx, or makes deliveries of food or products to the customer, within a certain range.


The phone number format are as shown on the table below.

WazeMy Phone No. Format Example
ZZZ-XXX YYYY 012-345 6789
ZZ-XXXX YYYY 03-1234 5678
ZZ-XXX YYYY 03-123 4567
1-XXX-XX-XXXX 1-800-88-1234 / 1-300-88-1234

Opening Hours

The Opening hours section allows editor to add or delete the hours of operation for Places, including unique times for each day of the week. The hours submitted in the editor may not overlap, or a save error will occur.

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Opening Hours

Photos Tab

Any photos which drivers have added to a Place will appear in the Photos tab. In WME, we can only review and delete photos. Photos can only be uploaded from the Waze app. Click on a picture to view a larger version.

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Place Photos
Deleting a Place photo

Take great care to make a well thought-out decision to delete a photo. Once a photo is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Delete only if the photo really is unclear, not helpful and/or inappropriate.

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Any improper or inappropriate photos should be removed. Hover the mouse over a picture in the Place Photos tab, and click the X which appears at the top right of the photo.

Place Updates Request (Moderation)

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destinationError creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destinationError creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination The Places updates layer will display Places with update request(s) pending. When an untrusted driver submits a new Place or an update to an existing Place, these go into a type of moderation status. The Place Update Request (PUR) marker shown to the left display to let you know, similar to an Update Request, the location of a pending Place update.

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Area with update marker
  • The Place update request markers will only appear if you have the "Place updates" layer enabled.
  • Point Places with pending updates will display with the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination icon even when the "Place updates" layer is disabled.
  • With the Place updates layer enabled, an Area Place will display with an update request marker at its center.
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New Place

When you click on the Place update request marker, you will be presented with a panel which details the updates the Wazer has submitted. The exact content of the panel will differ depending on the type and amount of information input by the end user using the Waze app.

  • When you click on any Place which has a pending update, the following message will appear in the left tabs area of the editor screen. Clicking on it will display the update details just the same as clicking on the Place update marker.

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Very long full Place update

Accept or reject?

The job of the Waze editor is to accept or reject Place Updates Request sent by users from the Waze app. The general guideline to use to determine whether to Accept the update is,

"Is all the information provided in the update request correct and according to WazeMy Place guideline?"

A Place update, if the user completes ALL the information, can be extremely long (expand thumbnail to the right).

If some of the data is incorrect, or the photo include in the update request is improper and unhelpful to drivers, the editor must direct reject the Place Update Request and re-create the Place with all the correct information (if the Place Update Request is a newly added place).

WazeMy editor only can accept the Place Update Request with all the information provided in the request are correct and according to WazeMy Place guideline.

Determining Acceptable Photos

Defining exactly what is an acceptable photo is difficult because the huge variation in destinations. In general terms, the pictures of Places should be such that a driver could use the picture to help determine exactly which destination is the correct one. The system will try to show the arriving user the most relevant photo from their direction of arrival, time of day, etc.

Take great care to make a well thought-out decision to delete a photo. Once a photo is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Delete only if the photo really is unclear, not helpful and/or inappropriate.

The following are meant as guidelines both for the editor and for users taking pictures. Photos should:

  • Show the exterior of the Place and NOT the INTERIOR.
  • Be clear (not blurry, through rain-covered/dirty windows, not from moving vehicles/trains, etc)
  • Be well lit (not dark without lighting at night).
  • Help differentiate the Place location from nearby Places.

Photos could include images of, but not necessarily limited to:

  • ENTRANCES which have signage so that Wazers can identify the place
  • Image of the front/side of Place (angled) to exemplify the correct building
  • Include Street side signage of the Place
  • Daylight images
  • Night or evening images, as long as the image is clear and helps the driver identify the Place

Photos should not show :

  • People's faces - any photo with a fully identifiable face should be removed, or rejected.
  • Car license plates - any photo with a fully identifiable license plate should be removed, or rejected.
  • Anything which allows a viewer to tie a person to a specific location will be rejected.
  • Any pornographic content, nudity, sexual content or simulation, etc.
  • Floor, sky, speedometer, selfie and anything that is not related to the place.
  • The place photo that is upside down or slanting to one side.

Examples of Good and Bad Place Photos

Good Bad
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Duplicate Places

When a user submits an update for a Place, but does not, or cannot, choose an existing Place in the app, it will show in the Waze Map Editor as a New Place. It could also happen that two users report a new Place at the same moment which results in two New Places.

At this time, there is no "merge updates" or "merge Places" functionality in the editor. You may have to manually copy new/updated information from the Place update to the existing Place. You cannot copy/move photos.

When you find a Place update which would duplicate an existing Place

  1. Copy updated valuable information from the newly created Place to the previously-existing Place
  2. Reject the Place Update Request
  3. Save

If two New Place updates which are for the same place, please approve the Place Update Request which

  • Contains more than just a photo, and
  • Provides useful, updated information
  • Mo mistake in the place update request

If the criteria cannot be met the WazeMy guideline, then Reject the Place Update Request.

Place Update FAQs

Who can moderate places?

Users with Level 2 and higher can moderate within their editing areas.

What requires moderation?

  • For new places: every new place which is created by a level 1 editor which is untrusted requires an approval by a level 2+ editor.
  • For place updates: every update which is done for a place which is locked above the user’s level will require a moderation by a sufficiently ranked user.
  • Flagged (Reported Problem): all flags (for potentially problematic images or places) need to be moderated by a level 2+ editor.

What is a trusted user?

Once some contributions by the same user have been reviewed positively by a moderator, we consider that user trusted. They can now add new places directly without any moderation. Updates to existing places are still pending a review if these places are locked.

What kind of places should we approve?

Almost anything which represents a real place should probably be approved. If a Wazer would ever make benefit from knowing that this place exists, it’s worth it. Exceptions are places which include private user information, inappropriate content, or otherwise irrelevant.

If found even 1 mistake in the details of a place , you must reject it and then re-create it accordingly.

What kind of photos should we approve?

Any photo which helps the user understand what this place is like is great. Outside pictures are even better, and we have a system that will try to show the arriving user the most relevant photo from his direction of arrival, time of day, etc. Inappropriate pictures or pictures which are not related to the place should be rejected.

Please remember - rejecting both places and photos will prevent the reporting user from getting points and might even get them blocked.

Can I partially reject an update?

Currently not. If a suggestion is only partially correct, it is recommended to reject it, save, and then re-create/edit the place.

Can I move a photo from one Place to another?

No. This function is not available in the editor

Can I move or merge any data from a duplicate Place update to an existing Place?

No. You will have to manually copy over updated information.

Can a user become blocked from adding new places?

Every user (trusted or not) can become blacklisted and banned from adding places once they have tried adding a certain amount of places or updates which have been rejected. We also track places that have been flagged and removed - if we see a pattern where a certain user created many of these, he might be blacklisted.

Who gets the points for the new places created after an approval?

Users do not get points for pending places and updates - only when a moderator approved the suggestion the user gets the points for his contribution. The moderation action itself (either a rejection or an approval) grants the moderating user with an edit point.

Do we get points for creating places from the client?

We grant the exact same number of points for the same edit whether it’s done from the client or the web editor.


Some places can belong to one of Waze’s advertising partners. These places will be locked for community editing for the duration of the campaign, but editors can still suggest edits - the Waze ad operations team will review and consider all suggestions to these locked places.

What is the Residential setting? Private and public places

Our main goal in this project is to improve the data our users can get about public places. Since adding places is fun and can be even somewhat addictive, we figured our users might want to add private places (their home, for instance) as well. We want to provide an outlet for that, so that we can avoid having private places wrongly listed as public.

Private places will not be searchable, and we will not expose the identity of whoever created them or attached pictures to them. We will be using the pictures and exact locations to improve our house numbers database and show photos to people driving explicitly to that address.

Private / public
Public places can be turned into private places, but private places cannot be turned into public places. Use this to convert places mistakenly labeled as public into private. Private places only contain photos and an exact address, without all the other properties of a place.

Why my Places Update Request been rejected ?

Place Update Request Why rejected ?
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • This is a road segment not a place
  • Primary name all lowercase
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  • Wrong category. (This place category should under Residence)
  • Visible license plate
  • Primary name all lowercase. (Places Residence not require name)
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  • Didn't use the official name of the place.
  • The photo didn't provide a clear image for a driver to identify the place.
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  • Please don't simply change the nature feature to other places, this may endanger the the Wazer that not familiar with that area.
  • Invalid primary name.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • Phone No. wrongly insert at the House Number field.
  • The photo didn't help Wazer clearly identify the place.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  • Upside down photo

Penentuan Kegunaan Kawasan Atau Titik

Berikut adalah petunjuk bagi Malaysia untuk memilih Kawasan atau Titik untuk Tempat dalam Penyunting Peta Waze.

Kategori Utama bagi tempat digunakan untuk menentukan sama ada untuk menggunakan Titik atau Kawasan..

Kategori Utama Sub Kategori Jenis Catatan
Servis Kenderaan Cuci Kereta Titik
Servis Kenderaan Stesen Mengecas Titik Malaysia tidak ada Stesen Mengecas
Servis Kenderaan Garaj / Kedai Automatif Titik
Servis Kenderaan Stesen Minyak Kawasan Kebanyakkan Stesen Minyak memiliki kedai serbanika, ATM. Letakkan Stesen Minyak sebagai Kategori Utama dan tambahkan perkhimatan lain jika ada.

Namakan Stesen Minyak seperti yang ditunjukkan di laman web rasmi mereka (Nama Stesen Minyak mesti menunjukkan jenama stesen tersebut dengan jelas).

Servis Kenderaan Tempat Letak Kenderaan


Tidak banyak Tempat Letak Kenderaan yang perlu dimasukkan dalam peta.

Tempat Letak Kenderaan yang umum
Tempat Letak Kenderaan yang masih berada dalam jenis Titik, sila kekalkannya terlebih dahulu sehingga menerima maklumat yang lebih lanjut daripada Champs Tempatan WazeMY.

Pengangkutan Lapangan Terbang Kawasan
Pengangkutan Jambatan Kawasan Gunakan nama rasmi atau nama setempat dan seboleh-bolehnya ada papan tanda nama di kedua-dua arah jambatan.

Jambatan tiada nama tidak perlu ditandakan dalam peta.

Pengangkutan Stesen Bas Titik
Pengangkutan Dermaga Feri Kawasan
Pengangkutan Simpang / Persimpangan None
Pengangkutan Pelabuhan / Marina Kawasan
Pengangkutan Stesen Keretapi Bawah Tanah Titik Malaysia tiada Stesen Keretapi Bawah Tanah
Pengangkutan Stesen Teksi Titik
Pengangkutan Stesen keretapi Titik Termasuk Stesen LRT, Stesen Monorail, Stesen ETS & KTM
Pengangkutan Terowong Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Tanah Perkuburan Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Dewan Bandaraya Titik Termasuk PBT
Professional Dan Awam Kolej / Universiti Kawasan


Untuk bangunan dalam Kolej/Universiti
Professional Dan Awam Konvensyen / Pusat Acara Kawasan


Konvensyen / Pusat Acara Utama (PICC, PWTC, Dewan Suria)

Lain-lain seperti Dewan di Kampung / Taman Perumahan

Professional Dan Awam Mahkamah Titik
Professional Dan Awam Kedutaan / Konsulat Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Kilang / Industri Titik Kawasan jika dijadikan Mercu Tanda
Professional Dan Awam Jabatan Bomba Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Kerajaan Titik

Termasuk Jabatan Kerajaan yang mempunyai bangunan tersendiri

Kawasan jika dijadikan Mercu Tanda

Professional Dan Awam Hospital / Pusat Rawatan Kawasan


Bagi klinik swasta
Professional Dan Awam Pusat Maklumat Titik Stesen Radio & Televisyen
Professional Dan Awam Tadika Titik
Professional Dan Awam Perpustakaan Titik
Professional Dan Awam Tentera Titik
Professional Dan Awam Pejabat Titik Kawasan jika dijadikan Mercu Tanda
Professional Dan Awam Organisasi Dan Persatuan Titik
Professional Dan Awam Balai Polis Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Penjara / Pusat Pemulihan Kawasan
Professional Dan Awam Pejabat Pos Titik
Professional Dan Awam Pusat Agama Kawasan


Bagi Pusat Ibadat Utama seperti Masjid/Gereja/Kuil/Tokong

Lain-lain seperti Surau/Chapel/Kuil Kecil/Tokong Kecil

Professional Dan Awam Sekolah Kawasan
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kesenian Dan Kraftangan Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan ATM Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Bank / Kewangan Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Buku Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Pengedar Kereta Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Sewa Kereta Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Serbanika Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Pertukaran Mata Wang Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Gedung Beli-Bela Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Elektronik Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Fesyen Dan Pakaian Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Bunga Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Perabot / Gedung Hiasan Rumah Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Hadiah Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Gim / Kecergasan Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Gedung Perkakasan Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Barangan Kemas Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Dobi Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Pasar Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Muzik Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Penjagaan Diri Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Haiwan Perliharaan / Perkhimatan Veterinari Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Farmasi Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Fotografi Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Pusat Membeli-bela Kawasan Titik bagi kedai di dalam premis
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Peralatan Sukan Titik Kedai sukan
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Pasar Raya / Kedai Runcit Kawasan / Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kolam Renang Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Kedai Mainan Titik
Pusat Beli-Bela Dan Perkhimatan Agensi Perlancongan Titik
Makanan Dan Minuman Kedai Kek Dan Roti Titik
Makanan Dan Minuman Bar Titik
Makanan Dan Minuman Kedai Kopi Titik Warung makan, Gerai di tepi jalan, Gerai burger, Tempat makan bergerak dan mana-mana tempat yang tidak mempunyai struktur bangunan tetap, TIDAK DIBENARKAN untuk ditandakan dalam peta.
Makanan Dan Minuman Pencuci Mulut Titik
Makanan Dan Minuman Makanan Segera Titik
Makanan Dan Minuman Medan Selera Titik Warung makan, Gerai di tepi jalan, Gerai burger, Tempat makan bergerak dan mana-mana tempat yang tidak mempunyai struktur bangunan tetap, TIDAK DIBENARKAN untuk ditandakan dalam peta.
Makanan Dan Minuman Ais Krim Titik Warung makan, Gerai di tepi jalan, Gerai burger, Tempat makan bergerak dan mana-mana tempat yang tidak mempunyai struktur bangunan tetap, TIDAK DIBENARKAN untuk ditandakan dalam peta.
Makanan Dan Minuman Restoran Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Galeri Seni Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Kasino Titik Kawasan jika dijadikan Mercu Tanda
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Kelab Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Kelab Permainan Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Pawagam Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Muzium Kawasan
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Tempat Musik Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Tempat Persembahan Seni Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Litar Lumba Kawasan
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Stadium / Arena Kawasan
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Taman Tema Kawasan
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Teater Titik
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Tarikan Pelancong / Tapak Bersejarah Titik Kawasan jika dijadikan Mercu Tanda
Kebudayaan & Hiburan Zoo / Akuarium Kawasan
Lain-Lain Titik Kampung / Taman Perumahan / Kondominium / Rumah Panjang

Tandakan titk di tempat yang bersesuaian seperti di jalan masuk utama.

Lain-Lain Tapak Pembinaan Kawasan Tidak semestinya perlu ditandakan dalam peta
Penginapan Inap & Sarapan Titik Di Malaysia ia dikenali sebagai Rumah Tamu
Penginapan Kawasan Perkhemahan / Taman Trailer Titik
Penginapan Kotej / Kabin Titik
Penginapan Asrama Titik
Penginapan Hotel Titik
Kegiatan Luar Pantai Kawasan Kawasan pantai peranginan
Kegiatan Luar Padang Golf Kawasan
Kegiatan Luar Taman Kawasan Taman di kawasan Taman Perumahan tidak digalakkan untuk ditandakan dalam peta.

Taman yang digalakkan untuk ditandakan dalam peta adalah seperti Taman Tasik Titiwangsa

Kegiatan Luar Taman Permainan Kawasan Taman Permainan di kawasan Taman Perumahan tidak digalakkan untuk ditandakan dalam peta.
Kegiatan Luar Plaza Titik
Kegiatan Luar Sesiaran Titik
Kegiatan Luar Kawasan/Peninjau Pemandangan Titik
Kegiatan Luar Kawasan Ski Tiada Malaysia tiada Kawasan Ski
Kegiatan Luar Medan Sukan Titik
Alam Semula Jadi Ladang / Kebun Tiada Ladang, Kolam Memancing, Kolam Ikan tidak perlu ditandakan dalam peta
Alam Semula Jadi Hutan / Dusun Kawasan Hanya untuk Taman Negara dan Hutan Simpanan.
Alam Semula Jadi Pulau Kawasan TIDAK DIBENARKAN. Hanya untuk tujuan tertentu dan atas kebenaran Penyunting Senior saja..
Alam Semula Jadi Sungai / Aliran Kawasan Hanya nama Sungai/Aliran

Maklumat lain dikosongkan.

Alam Semula Jadi Laut / Tasik / Kolam Kawasan Jika kawasan air kelihatan dari sudut pandangan pemandu. Tidak perlu bagi kawasan yang kecil.
Alam Semula Jadi Terusan Kawasan
Alam Semula Jadi Kawasan Paya Kawasan
Alam Semula Jadi Empangan Kawasan

Mercu Tanda

Mana-mana tempat yang berfungsi sebagai mercu tanda boleh ditandakan sebagai Kawasan walaupun jadual di atas menunjukkan sebaliknya. Mercu tanda ditakrifkan sebagai nama, seni bina yang unik di lokasi tersebut, dikenali oleh tempatan tentang ketinggian yang unik atau penampilan luaran yang ikonik, mudah dilihat dan dikenali oleh pemandu yang melaluinya dengan pandangan yang jelas bahawa tempat tersebut tidak menyerupai kawasan persekitarannya
Jangan kelirukan Mercu Tanda dengan Rujukan Tempatan. Rujukan Tempatan adalah lokasi yang digunakan sebagai orientasi oleh mereka yang sering melaluinya. Setiap Mercu Tanda adalah Rujukan Tempatan, tetapi tidak semua Rujukan Tempatan adalah Mercu Tanda. Sebagai contoh, Menara Berkembar Petronas adalah Mercu Tanda, manakala sebuah kedai tayar biasa yang besar, mempunyai tanda warna yang terang adalah Rujukan Tempatan.