Questa tabella è in perenne aggiornamento. Per richiedere inserimento di un'abbreviazione (o di una traduzione) mancante invia un PM a RickyPV89 cliccando qui.
Abbreviazione | per esteso | eventuale traduzione |
AM | Area Manager | |
ASC | Average Speed Camera | Telecamera per controllo della velocità media (Tutor et similia) |
ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition | Riconoscimento vocale automatico |
BC | Best Continuation | |
CAR | Community Action Request | |
CC | Centercode | |
CCP | Connected Citizens Program | |
CM | Country Manager | |
CO | Coordinator | |
CSE | Campo Scuola Editing | |
DM | District Manager | |
DPM | Detour Prevention Mechanism | Sistema di prevenzione dei detour |
EP | Entry Point (di un place) | |
FTW | Feed The Waze | |
FW | Freeway | |
GC | Global Champ | |
HN | House Number | |
HOV | High Occupancy Vehicle | |
IL | Israel Server | |
JAI | Junction Angle Info (script) | |
JB | Junction Box | |
LC | Local Champ | |
MC | Map Comment | |
MEP | Multiple Entry Points (di un place) | |
MH | Major Highway | |
mH | Minor Highway | |
MP | Map Problems | |
MTE | Major Traffic Event | |
MU | Map Update | |
NA | North America Server | |
NS | Narrow Street | |
OTTS | Override Text-to-Speech | Forzatura del Text-to-Speech |
PB | Pedestrian Boardwalk | |
PL | Permalink | |
PLR | Parking Lot Road | |
PM | Private Message (forum) | |
POI | Point of Interest (cfr. Place) | |
PR | Private Road | |
PUR | Place Update Request | |
RA | Roundabout | |
RBS | Routing Beta Server | |
ROW - ROTW | Rest of the World Server | |
RPP | Residential Point Place | |
RR | Railroad | |
RTC | Real-Time Closure | |
RW | Railway | |
SCM | Staff Community Manager | |
SL | Speed Limit | |
SLUR | Speed Limit Update Request | |
SM | State Manager | |
SV | Street View | |
TB | Toolbox (script) | |
TBR | Time-Based Restriction | Restrizioni in funzione dell'orario |
TIO (soon...) | Turn Instruction Override (soon...) | Forzatura delle istruzioni di svolta (soon...) |
TTS | Text-to-Speech | Sintesi vocale |
TW | Taxiway | |
TX | Transifex | |
UR | Update Request | |
UREQ | Unlock Request Manager | |
URO - URO+ | UR Overview (script) | |
WME | Waze Map Editor | |
WOP | Wazeopedia | |
WT | Walking Trail |