New India Wiki is being built, For now, please see the pages about Waze in India in the old Wiki.
The Waze App
What is Waze?
Waze is a free GPS navigation application for mobile phone or tablet. Waze has speech support, free map updates and uses real time traffic information and actual reports from its users. Users like you!
With Waze you can share your driver experience, connect with friends, send your ETA to show when you will be home, or just avoid traffic jams. Waze is crowd-sourced, meaning it is maintained by its users.
Waze has the application, often called client or just app. You can read more about the app at the support pages. Click on the picture to download the app.
There is a map, that is maintained by users via the Waze Map Editor (WME). Information about editing in India can be found in Quick start guide.
Its users form a community, who work together locally as well as internationally. Information about the community in India can be found on the [India Community|Community]] page.