MapRaid/WoW 2017 View history

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Hurray, let's celebrate 5 years WoW! ¡Hurra!, celebremos 5 años WoW! Hourra, célébrons les 5 ans de WoW !

¡ 5 years WoW !
¡ 5 years WoW !

It was 2012 when in Spain the first group of Wazers joined together to improve a specific part of the map in a short time. They called it Waze Outediting Week, or shortly WoW! They created the concept that is now known as "MapRaid", although it was Indonesia giving that name first.

Waze India likes to invite you to celebrate the 5th anniversary with a tour to the wonders of Chhattisgarh. And you can bring all of your friends!

Check out the Tour Guide!