引導行車綫 查看历史

Tsemanhei留言 | 贡献2022年5月19日 (四) 08:47的版本


重溫 Waze 地圖編輯嘅三大原則 (Usability, Simplicity, Retention),我哋喺編輯引導行車綫時都要盡可行依呢三個原則去做。


[Script] WME-LaneTools

The lane tool can highlights on each half of a segment if there are lanes in that direction.



  • 如果連接路口只有一條行車綫,就唔需要輸入引導行車綫
  • 如果連接嘅路口只有一個可行方向,無論係有幾多條行車綫都好,亦都唔需要輸入引導行車綫
  • 如果係由主行車綫分支出嚟只係用嚟轉入路口嘅「袋口位」,則唔需要輸入嗰條「袋口位」嘅行車綫。

When to use the lanes continue straight override

Description LG LG Override Sample
Matching number of continue straight to the LG
Waze default Waze editor
2 lanes leading to 3 lanes junction and all 2 lanes can continue straight
View only Waze editor
3 lanes leading to 4 lanes junction and not all 3 lanes can continue straight
View and hear Waze editor

如何編輯「H 字形」及「井字形」路口嘅引導行車綫
