trad en cours
Cette FAQ devrait être lu en parraléle avec la FAQ officielle et la FAQ technique. Le Glossaire Glossary (µ) explique les mots et expressions qui sont souvent utilisés avec une signification particulière.
Les points qu'il y a sur certaines routes
Ce sont des routes qui n'ont pas été confirmés par la passage d'un Wazer depuisleur import d'une autre source de cartographie, ou depuis leur creation dans l'éditeur de carte. Il est probable que le tracé ou les jonctions soient incorrectes. Lorsque vous conduisez sur ces routes l'icône Waze ce transforme en "Pacman qui croque les points». Cela vous rapporte des points et valide la route.
Waze Map Editor
Waze Map Editor est le nom officiel de l'éditeur de carte en ligne. Il est souvent abrégé WME. Pour y accéder :
- pour les USA et leCanada (NA)
- pour le reste du monde (ROTW) autres que les États-Unis et Canada
Cartouche est le nom de la version précédente de l'éditeur de la carte. Elle a été abandonnée dans le monde entier le 5 novembre 2012. Waze Map Editor est maintenant l'outil carte principale d'édition.
Papyrus était le nom de code pour Waze Map Editor (WME) pendant la version bêta
Dashboard / tableau de bord
Tableau de bord est le nom de la console d'accès aux info relatives à votre compte Waze .
Vous pouvez y accéder via: pour les USA et le Canada (NA) pour le reste du monde (ROTW)
My Drives / Mes Trajets
C'est le relevé des Tajets que vous avez fait avec le client Waze en cours d'exécution. Pendant que vous conduisez Waze enregistre votre position, l'heure et votre vitesse) et transfère ces informations aux Servers(µ]. Ces données sont utilisées pour valider la cartographie existante (routes, autorisation de tourner etc) et apprendre les temps de parcours moyens. Elles permettent aussi de générer les traces GPS (anonyme)que l'on peut afficher dans [Waze Map Editor]] pour améliorer la précision des cartes.
Quand Mes Trajets apparaissent-t-ils dans l'éditeur de cartes Waze?
Les trajets sont généralement traitées et disponibles pour l'affichage dans l'éditeur de cartes Waze entre une heure et un jour après la fin du trajet. Si les serveurs sont surchargés, ou si le trajet est sup. à 150 km, cela peut prendre jusqu'à une semaine. Si vous ne voyez pas votre trajets au bout de sept (7) jours, ouvrez un ticket à partir de la page Support, en englais seulement.
Que se passe-t-il quand je roule sur une route inconnue (non cartographiée) ?
Si vous roulez sur une route non cartographiée, Waze va simplement enregistrer votre itinéraire comme d’habitude mais ne créera pas de nouvelles routes dans Editor, Livemap ou sur les applications mobiles. En regardant un Trajet dans Wap Map Editor, vous pouvez rechercher les parties de celui-ci qui sont colorées en rouge. Celles-ci correspondent à une portion du trajet que votre application mobile a enregistré mais que Waze n’a pas été en mesure d’associer à une route existante. Si une route existe effectivement à cet endroit, vous pouvez sélectionner la portion en rouge pour la convertir en nouveaux segments.
Vous pouvez contribuer à la cartographie en ajoutant des routes inconnues. Il vous suffit d’activer le mode construction de route dans votre application Waze et celle-ci va enregistrer le trajet comme une succession de nouveaux segments de route, ajoutant les jonctions (également appelées nœuds) lorsqu’elle détecte vos changements de direction. Lorsque Waze constate que vous être de retour sur une route connue, le mode construction de route est automatiquement mis en pause.
Merci de désactiver le mode construction de route quand il n’est pas nécessaire car sinon cela peut conduit à l’enregistrement d’une duplication de route, soit du fait d’imprécisions dans la cartographie existante, soit du fait d’erreurs de positionnement GPS sur votre application mobile.
Souvenez-vous que l’application Waze est tributaire d’une bonne finesse de localisation GPS pour effectuer un enregistrement précis. L’application Waze peut également faire des enregistrements erronés de nouvelles routes si elle n’a pas été en mesure de télécharger les sections de la carte correspondante à votre position, du fait d’une faible couverture réseau de votre mobile, etc.
Quand vous enregistrez de nouvelles routes, pensez à bien attendre que la route devienne rouge sur votre application avant de désactiver le mode construction de route, sinon le dernier segment ne sera pas enregistré. Ce comportement est utile si vous avez oublié de le désactiver à temps ou si vous démarrez par erreur l’enregistrement d’une route.
Les mises à jour de la carte sont faites sur la base de vos enregistrements mais vous devrez attendre entre 24 et 48 heures avant que les changements soient visibles.
I recorded new roads in the client - what now?
Your newly recorded roads will not appear in Livemap until they have been edited in the Waze Map Editor. WME will show unknown roads in red, however Livemap will only show small arrows if you zoom right in to indicate that it knows of an street/road with no name. The Cartouche update will need to be done by either you or the appropriate Area Manager, or another user who has also driven close to this road previously.
Please log into WME and edit the details of the road you recorded. You can set the road category, it's name, city and direction(s). You should also check it's connectivity to other roads to allow Waze to use it correctly for routing. At the very least you should confirm the driving direction and connect the road to another road.
This is an important part of Wazing as it helps our community build the maps for eveyone to use.
It is planned to implement functionality in the Waze servers to countdown from the road creation so that they disappear from WME unless they have been edited (something like 30 days) to prevent roads incorrectly recorded from remaining on the Livemap.
When do my roads show up in the Livemap?
Generation of the Livemap should take place daily, but the queue of changes is lengthy, so most map edits should appear in the LiveMap after 10-14 days**. The visual part of LiveMap isn't updated regularly or at all, but changes are there, which you can see by clicking. Clicking a location where a road is will show the most recently updated data. Updates to the map on the Waze client app happen at the same time.
- As of January 1, 2013, the Waze map on the North America (NA) infrastructure is updated every day with the community's edits.
From the Waze web application you can look at the Live Map tab and at the lower left of the screen below the map you will see the last update of that map information.
Newly recorded roads will not appear in Livemap until they have been edited in the map editor. This will need to be done by either you or the appropriate Area Manager.
When do my edits show up in the Waze app?
The normal process, is that on a regular basis, the map tiles update process runs on the servers. When it starts, any edits which are complete by that time will be included in the current map update cycle. The map tile updating process can take several days or even weeks on the World server, and are currently happening approximately once a week on the North American server. (The NA servers are currently using an upgraded infrastructure which has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes for the map update cycle to execute, this new infrastructure is currently being ported to the World server.)
Once the map update cycle is complete, the tiles are loaded into the client map and the live map. The date that the update process is complete is referred to as the Update Date, though this can be confusing because the edits which made it into that cycle may be weeks old. The website is usually updated with the latest map update cycle information, which includes the "with updates through x date" information.
Tiles on the app are cached, and only refreshed when one of the following conditions is met:
- You are showing a specific location on the map from the address search.
- You are navigating to or through the tile.
- The tile is over one week old.
- You use the manual option to Refresh map of my area under Settings >> Advanced >> Data Transfer
Note that the Waze app tends to get the updated tiles before the Livemap on the website.
From the Waze website you can look at the Livemap and at the lower left of the screen below the map you will see the last update of that map information.
What web browser do you recommend for editing roads?
Waze recommends using the Google Chrome browser or Google Chrome Frame plugin with Internet Explorer for map editing in Waze Map Editor (WME).
Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) is limited and some editing functions may not work properly.
The following browsers are acceptable for use with Waze Map Editor:
Why do I get to see traffic reports hundreds of miles away in the client?
The traffic reports on the client show traffic alerts and user-posted hazards within the Event Radius you have set in the Waze app. This event radius includes your route if you are in navigation mode. Waze only actively shows you the traffic reports within a certain radius of your location (using a pop-up). At this time, the minimum distance from your location or route for alerts is 5mi/km.
How do I turn off the pop-up reports when not moving?
There is no setting to just turn off the reports which pop-up when not moving. See answer above on how to minimize the report count.
To turn off these popups, you need to turn off the "Download traffic data" Advanced option.
BE WARNED: This also turns off all speed data which shows the speed of roads around you.
What is a locked road?
A locked segment cannot be edited by an editor with a lower editing rank than the lock's current level (defined by the level of the segment's most recent editor, not by the first locking user.)
Segments that are locked will affect the turn restrictions for all other segments connected to either end of the locked segment at those junctions. Therefore when changing turn restrictions for another segment you find the turn restriction is not changing, check the other segments at that junction. It is possible another segment is locked at a level higher than your current editing level. You will need to post a request to the Unlock Request Forum to get it unlocked to enable making the change to the other segment's turn restrictions. Please see the Unlock Request Instruction Summary post for information on how to format your request.
Why are aerials not available or are low resolution?
Due to Waze's business model (which keeps the product free to us users) they are limited in what sources they can use for aerial maps. Normally this means using free sources which will of course be of lower resolution or availability then aerials available from commercial sources. If you know of a source that the licensing appears to be free for commercial use and in particular has no strings on derivative use, then send that source to Waze using the Quick Help support form found at Waze Support and they will look into it, and see if it will work.
On My Dashboard all my points have gone, and the date of last update is very old. What's wrong?
You are probably logged in to the wrong server
USA/Canada users:
Israeli-an users:
All other 'international' users:
How are points calculated?
How do I change my home state or country?
The scoreboard allows you to compete for points against other wazers in your state or country. Waze automatically matches you to the state or country based on where you have earned the most points in the last week. If you travel several states a lot, send in a support ticket via the Quick Help form at Waze Support to have them lock your home state.
How can I remove or delete a group that I've created in Waze?
Send in a support ticket via the Quick Help at Waze Support.
How can I delete my account and all info from waze?
Send in a support ticket via the Quick Help form at Waze Support. Enter "Delete Waze account" as the subject/question, then click the Email link. Complete filling out the form with your Waze username and registered email address.
How can I change my username?
At this time, changing your username is not possible.
When are weekly points calculated?
Points are added up from Monday through Sunday. Alerts usually appear on your client on Monday morning.
Yes. All driving when Waze is running, whether in navigation mode or not, is tracked and can give you points. There are reasons why you may not see all your drives or get points for driving. See this question below for more information about those situations.
Why isn't the location of other Wazers in the app accurate?
Other Wazers shown on the map in the app are delayed by between 2-5 minutes. This is both for security concerns, server capacity, and network data capacity. It would be a huge amount of data required to update every Wazer's location every 2 seconds.
Does Waze support time-based turn restrictions where turns are allowed or restricted during certain times of day?
No. This feature is on the roadmap, and should be available. ETA is unknown. For these intersections, consider a "majority-rules" turn restriction scheme. If the turns are allowed during the majority of a day or week, leave it open, but also consider volume and if most of the weekly traffic would be restricted from turning there, then set the turn as restricted. Every intersection is different and should be considered individually.
Additional information can be found in this article.
What do I do when Waze has my destination or address at the wrong location?
If Waze is routing you to the wrong location for your destination, and the street the location should be on appears in Waze, it likely is due to Waze getting the wrong GPS coordinates for the destination. In most parts of the world, Waze relies exclusively on 3rd party content providers for address and POI locations. Waze sends your address or POI search to these 3rd parties, and they then return to Waze GPS coordinates for that destination. Waze then routes to the closest location on the Waze map for the GPS coordinates. For example, if Waze routes to the street behind the location, that is because the GPS coordinates for that location are closer to that street than the street you actually access the location from.
Starting in late 2012, Waze enabled the adding of house numbers, or address data to the Waze Map Editor. The form of this is to select a segment and specify the starting and ending address numbers for that segment. This would allow Waze to figure out the actual address location by spreading the addresses evenly along the segment. This isn't optimal, but does allow Waze to resolve more address lookups internally rather than rely exclusively on external providers. In even later 2012, Waze took this system offline to work on a new system that will use pinpoints for addresses instead of address ranges. Beta testing of the feature started in January 2013 for the NA Server & February 2013 for the ROTW Server.
To solve the errors in external providers' data, you need to update the GPS coordinates with the 3rd party provider who is supplying the bad information to Waze.
- In the US & Canada, address lookups are handled by Bing, with Google used when the address can not be found in Bing (rare).
- For other countries, visit the country specific section of the forum to find out the provider of address coordinates for your area.
- POI lookups (business names) are by a variety of providers. Look to see what tab in the search results you are using for the POI to determine which provider you need to contact to fix the GPS coordinates.
Most providers offer a way to submit corrections to their location data. It is normal for more than one provider to have the same bad information. This is due to their being two primary providers of GPS location data, which other companies then license. After correcting the location information with the correct Waze provider, it is a good idea to update with these two original providers. Instruction on how to do so can be found here.
Can I add a road hazard or accident to the map from home or the office?
No. Waze only allows you to report anything such as Police, Accident, Hazard, Camera, etc., based on your current GPS location only.
Can I search for an intersection of streets and not by address?
Yes. In the Navigate search box, enter "A St and B St" and search. You will likely need to switch the search results to Bing or Google to get an accurate search result.
Yes. In the Navigate search box, enter "longitude, latitude" (without the quotes) where longitude and latitude are in decimal form. For example, for the United States, Disney's Epcot Center in Orland, Florida is located at these coordinates: "-81.54942,28.37529"
The website livemap also accepts the same format in the Search box.
Why doesn't Waze learn my routes?
The setting within the Waze app, "Auto-learn routes to frequent destinations" is misleading. Waze only learns your favorite destinations, but does not learn or store actual routes. It will pop-up with the "Are going home?" or "going to work?" messages for these frequented destinations.
Waze should always pick what it believes is, mathematically, the fastest or shortest route, depending on your settings. If, in your estimation, it doesn't, that means that there could be an error in the map somewhere along your preferred route, or there is a lack of correct speed/traffic data for that route, or lack or correct speed/traffic data on the route it is trying to send you on. If it isn't too far out of your way, take the suggested route a few times and Waze will collect and start to use that data in its routing decisions.
The reason just driving the expected or preferred route won't work automatically is because Waze could have incorrect speed data on the segments it wants you to take. If Waze thinks another road is 2x as fast as your preferred road, no amount of driving on your preferred road can change the data for the other road. Waze needs accurate data for all neighboring segments and routes in order to always compute the fastest (or shortest, depending on your app setting) route.
How does Waze work, and do I get points for, driving with no or flaky data network connection?
For all aspects of Waze to operate, it was built assuming a data network connection pretty much all the time. If you have an intermittent connection, Waze will try to get data from the servers for traffic alerts and hazards, but may not be able to give you reliable information. Additionally, if Waze doesn't have a connection back to the Waze servers, you will not be able to post hazards. Waze does not cache reports or map issues for sending later.
In regards to points or drive integrity, Waze will collect the data in terms of where you have driven even during network outages. In order for you to get credit for and being able to see in the editor your drive data collected during network outages, Waze must be able to upload your drive at the end of your trip. Waze sends this retained information when you shut it down. The Waze app does not cache your drives after shut down. If the Waze app does not have a connection to the servers when you shut down, any drive data not yet uploaded to the waze servers will be lost, and any points associated with it will not be credited.
There is still some debate as to whether Waze will try to upload the most recent drive when you start Waze the next time, but this hasn't been conclusively proven.
How do I submit a Support ticket/request to Waze?
The forums are primarily for community-based support, though some Waze staff do answer questions, mostly around editor and app bugs. If you need direct support, there is a form for this. The form went through some updates in January 2013 which makes it more difficult to get to submitting a ticket. However, the process is longer in order to ensure that the automated system answers as many questions as possible first. The steps below can help you quickly get to submitting a ticket, though you are encouraged to exhaust the self-help first.
- Go to the Support page.
- In the Quick Help section, enter your problem/request/issue into the single text box which is there. Copy your text.
- If your situation isn't addressed in the auto-help which appears, click the Click here link next to "Still can't find what you are looking for?" at the bottom of the box.
- Click appropriate category which best represents your problem/request/issue
- If your situation still isn't addressed by the topics that appear, click the Click here link in the phrase "Still can't find what you're looking for? Click here"
- Fill out the form with the requested information, and include the full text details of your request, including permalinks to the editor, links to app screenshots, etc., in the More Details box as appropriate for your issue.
- Click Submit
You will not receive an email confirmation of your ticket being created. You should receive some kind of response from Waze within a few days.