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Le contenu de cette page est en cours de création. Les informations ou directives qui y figurent demeurent néanmoins suffisamment valides pour être appliquées dès à présent. En dehors de corrections simples (syntaxe, grammaire), merci de ne pas apporter de modifications sans avoir préalablement abordé le sujet sur le forum dédié |
Le forum de discussion constitue le principal canal d'échange entre les membres de la communauté, utilisateurs ou éditeurs.
Tous les utilisateurs peuvent y venir pour obtenir de l’assistance ou du support sur l'application.
Les éditeurs consultent, quant à eux, très régulièrement les rubriques qui leur sont propres pour obtenir des informations utiles sur les nouvelles directives ou nouvelles fonctionnalités, pour obtenir de l'assistance sur une édition complexe ou pour demander des autorisations de travailler sur tel ou tel axe routier.
Vous pouvez consulter le forum au moyen d'un navigateur internet classique, sous sa forme standard, ou vous pouvez utiliser l'application Tapatalk pour smartphone et tablette tactille, aussi bien sous iOS que sous Android.
Private Messages
Private messages (PM) are a feature of the waze forum. They are sent to one or more members of the forum, and are like emails within the forum. You can send a PM to another user if you have a question that is not meant for a wider audience. Most general communication will take place in the community forums, but the forums do not have a way to alert someone that a person is asking them a question. The PM will appear in the user's Waze inbox with an email to their registered email account alerting them that they have a PM.
Consider a case where you find a road segment that is not following the general guidelines of the Wiki and overall Waze community. Rather than post the user's name in the general forum, it would be better to send that user a direct PM asking the question and probably including a permalink to the segment in question. That will assure the user has the best chance of seeing the message, but it is still no guarantee they will read it or respond.
The compose page is where you create a PM. In the upper left box type the name of the user(s) and press the add button. Add other users that you want to get the same email. Enter a subject related to your message. Enter the main message in the larger box in the middle of the page. Add emoticons as desired.When your message is complete, it use the preview button at the bottom of the page to see what the message will look like for the user. This will let you be sure any permalinks or other links are working right.
The message will show up in your outbox until the user reads the message. Once the user has read it, it will move to your Sent folder.
RSS feeds
To subscribe to a specific feed, you will need the forum id which appears as part of the URL when you open the forum. For example, the MAP forum is #8 as seen from its URL: viewforum.php?f=8
Subscribing to a forum will also subscribe you to all of its sub-forums. In order to get the RSS for the MAP forum only, use this url:
To add another forum, for example, our new Norwegian forum (id = 54) just add the number following a comma (no spaces):,54
By default, the feed will contain the last 10 posts, but you can extend up to 100 posts by adding &limit=xxx to the end of the RSS feed URL:,54&limit=100