Méga événements sont des événements qui se produisent dans une ville ou même plus grande zone qui sera probablement une incidence sur la circulation. Ces événements peuvent être planifiées (Tour de France, Marathon de Boston, etc) ou imprévues (ouragans, tornades, inondations, etc.) Les fermetures de routes peuvent être saisies dans les serveurs Waze pour empêcher le routage dans une zone qui est temporairement fermé pour l'événement.
Il existe quatre méthodes pour contrôler le flux de la circulation :
- Grands événements
- Les fermetures temporaires de routes via le client
- Les fermetures programmées
- Déconnexion de segments de route
See the full article on Road closures for more information. This article covers Mega Events.
Waze is designed to automatically route traffic through the best possible route. It works dynamically using the feedback of Wazer's client applications showing traffic flow. When a planned event affects the flow of traffic by closing certain roads, Waze can better route traffic through that area if it is told what roads or turns are temporarily unavailable. In situations where the event is unexpected, a mega event can be set up to provide real-time detour information to the Waze server feeding it to the Waze client application.
Page Web publique
A public web page for Waze Mega World Traffic Events was set up to track all known future, current, and some of the prior events.
La page d'événements
From the main page you can select a particular event to see the details of that event. It will include the name, dates, description, planned road closures, overview map, and other related information.
Notifications sur le client
The event will send notifications to Waze users that may be affected by the event.
Création d'un nouvel événement
When an editor hears about a new event in their area, they can fill out this form with as much information as they have available on the event to get the process started. In the future there are plans to provide a direct interface for authorized editors to make changes directly to the event.