Translate waze (client text) to your local language/cs Zobrazit historii

Verze z 25. 10. 2015, 17:14, kterou vytvořil Bures (diskuse | příspěvky) (Created page with "Přeložte Waze do svého jazyka")
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To accommodate Waze's growth and its rise in international users, we've switched over to a tool called Transifex which offers way better user-friendly features for translators.

To join our translation teams, and translate Waze in your native language, please do the following :

1. Open the Transifex link and sign in free as a translator. We recommend using your "Waze" credentials as your "Transifex" user name.

2. Send a "Join Team" request to Waze Active Project using the following links:

3. After it will be approved you can start and help us translate Waze in your native language!

Hope to see you soon on the Waze Translaton Team!