Za prijavljivanje događaja sa ceste, potrebna je povezanost s GPS-om i internetom!
Za prijavljivanje, klikni na tipku za prijavljivanje (donji desni kut ekrana)
Sada su lokacija vozila i vrijeme prijave sačuvani, tako da, ako nemaš suvozača koji može umjesto tebe završiti prijavu, možeš kliknuti na tipku "Kasnije", kako bi prijavu završio/la kasnije.
Za slanje prijave koristi tipku "Prijavi".
Vrste prijava
Drži tipku za prijavu i povuci je u lijevo:
U ovom prozoru možeš birati između:
- Zastoj - ovu opciju koristi SAMO ako si u kompletnom zastoju (prosječna brzina kretanja manja od 10km/h!!!)
Možeš birati između:
Možeš birati između:
Možeš birati između:
Zatvorena cesta
After selecting the Closure icon, you will be asked to choose which road (entrance) you want to block (you can choose more than one), just click on the arrow:
Click on Continue:
Now choose the closure type - Hazard, Construction or Event
You can also choose the duration of the closure, record a voice and take a photo.
Click on Send to publish it to the map.
- If one user reports a road closure - it will only affect that user's view of the map. In order to affect all users, a number of users need to report the same closure.
- The number of reports needed to close the roads for all the users varies based on the road's weight, the user's rank and the country.
- The road will be opened when a number of users drive through the road.
Points and limits
Points are given for each report you make while using Waze. When you report too many times in a short span of time or distance, Waze may initially show only getting 3 points for your last report. It is also possible if there are too many too quickly, you will not be permitted to post your last report. If that happens you simply wait for a period of 5 minutes or so and try again.
Impact to routing
These reports do not affect routing, although when a traffic report is sent, the routing server will take a closer look at the GPS speed information coming from current Wazers in that area to possibly reset the current speed of that segment of road. At that time the routing server will consider the current average speed when routing new direction requests. Otherwise a road full of "reports" on its own will not affect the route selected by the server.