Blobal Champs Procedure View history

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Following our webinar conversation (link restricted to GCs), your feedback and questions, please see below the NEW nomination process for Global Champs:

Nomination can be done by:

  • Staff Community Manager
  • Self nomination
  • Nomination by another community member, upon their approval

Minimum Requirements to be a Global Champ:

Think you have what it takes? knows someone who has it?

Fill out the nomination form (responses will be visible only to the Community Managers).

After filling the nomination form, the Staff Community Managers will reach out to:

  • The nominee, to inform him/her we received a referral and ask for more information if needed.
  • The referrer, to confirm we have received their submission and see if there are any more questions

Before the final decision, the Staff Community Managers will consult with:

  • The Community Team
  • Other community leads from the nominee’s country: Global/Local Champs and Coordinators
  • Members from the community that can speak about the nominee’s global contribution from the same country and other countries that were submitted in the nomination form
  • This is the Global Champs Group - Nomination information where you’ll be able Enable Notifications and see when new nominees are added. Also listed will be the SCM who is handling the nomination and a date to provide “open feedback”. If you have support or concerns about a given nominee, you are welcome to email it to the SCM within the feedback timeframe.

Final Approval:

  • Done by the Communities Team
  • Staff Community Manager will present the new member in the forum to the rest of the Global Champs group
  • There is no voting in the Global Champs group

Process Timeline:

Starting June 1st, we will have a quarterly announcement for new GC approval. for 2019 we will announce them at the beginning of:

* October (Submission can be done June 1st- September 10th)

*January (Submission can be done September 11th - December 10th)

If we expect delays from any reason, we’ll inform the nominee and the community.

Submissions we will get before June 1st will be discussed as in the original timeline (3 weeks)

Global Champs inactivity and retirement process:

  • There is no change in the current process. (link restricted to GCs)
  • Retired Global Champs are moved to the “Emeritus Champ Group” and won’t be able to participate in the Global Champs Meetup in Israel.

Retirement process can be done by:

  • Staff Community Manager
  • Self retirement
  • Community leads can advise to Staff Community Managers about a potential Champ that should be retried.