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This will be a clickable interactive guide to determining what instruction, if any, will be given at the junction between any 2 segments. There will eventually be encyclopedia style illustrations for the various configurations to visually describe the setup. This will formatted as a sequence flow through, to cover (hopefully) all variations.
#REDIRECT [[Waze etiquette]]
== Introduction ==
Understanding how and which instructions are provided requires first understanding a few concepts.
* This page is discussing the instruction which will be provided by the Waze server (or not provided) when travelling from one segment, through a [[Glossary#Junction_or_Junction_Point|junction]], and onto a second segment.
* How [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#Best Continuation|''Best Continuations'']] work. Any time the destination segment is the ''Best Continuation'' there will not be an instruction provided.
== Definitions ==
* The segment you are on before going through the junction, in other words the segment you are coming from will be referred to as '''''the origin''''', and corresponds to [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#Definitions|''s-in'']] in the [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#The_algorithm_.2F_list_of_conditions|the algorithm text provided by Waze staff]].
* The segment you will be on after the junction, in other words the segment you are going to will be referred to as '''''the destination''''', and corresponds to [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#Definitions|''s-out'']] in the [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#The_algorithm_.2F_list_of_conditions|the algorithm text provided by Waze staff]].
* Any segments other ''the destination'' which leave the junction at an angle less than 44° will be referred to as '''''other branches''''', and corresponds to [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#Definitions|''s-N'', or ''s-1,2,3,4...'']] in the [[User:PesachZ/algorithm#The_algorithm_.2F_list_o,f_conditions|the algorithm text provided by Waze staff]].
* When the beginning portion two segments are directly on top of each other, meaning they both leave the junction at the exact same angle as each other, they will be referred to as an '''''overlapping segment'''''.
== The interactive algorithm ==
{{anchor|01}}Other than ''the origin'' and ''the destination'', are there any other segments connected to this junction?
[[#No_Instruction|NO => No Instruction]]
{{anchor|02}}Is the turn angle from ''the origin'' to ''the destination'' between 44.5° and 135°?
[[#04|NO, the turn angle is less 44.5°]].
Turns with angles greater than 135° will follow the same instruction path as [[#03|44.5°-135°]], but the Waze routing server will penalize this turn, and avoid routing through it.
{{anchor|03}}Which direction is the turn?
[[#Turn_Left|Left => Turn Left]]
[[#Turn_Right|Right => Turn Right]]
{{anchor|04}}Are there any other ''branches'' with unrestricted turns from ''the origin''?
[[#No_Instruction|NO => No Instruction]]
{{anchor|05}}Is the name of ''the origin'' and ''the destination'' identical?
{{anchor|06}}Are ''the origin'' and ''the destination'' the same road type?
{{anchor|07}}Are both the name AND the road type of any of the ''other branches'' identical to ''the origin''?
[[#No_Instruction|NO => No Instruction]]
{{anchor|08}}Is there any ''other branch'' to the left of this branch?
[[#Keep.2FStay_Left|NO => Keep/Stay Left]]
{{anchor|09}}Is the name of any of the ''other branches'' identical to ''the origin''?
[[#No_Instruction|NO => No Instruction]]
{{anchor|10}}Are ''the origin'' and ''the destination'' the same road type?
{{anchor|11}}Is the name of any of the ''other branches'' identical to ''the origin''?
{{anchor|12}}Is the road type of any of the ''other branches'' identical to ''the origin''?
[[#No_Instruction|NO => No Instruction]]
{{anchor|13}}Does ''the destination'' have an ''overlapping segment''?
== The instructions ==
=== No Instruction ===
There will be '''No instruction''' given passing through this junction.
This can be caused by several factors including
* ''Best Continuation''
* The instruction would be Continue Straight (this doesn't yet exist in Waze)
* Certain cases with an ''overlapping segment''
=== Turn Right ===
=== Keep/Stay Right ===
=== Exit Right ===
The instruction ''in a [[RHT|right hand traffic]] country'' will be Exit right.
'''In a [[LHT|left hand traffic]] country this instruction does not exist''', and will instead give a [[#Keep/Stay_Right|Keep/Stay_Right]] instruction. A junction with this exact setup but a left angle turn would give an [[#Exit_Left|Exit Left]] instruction in a [[LHT|left hand traffic]] country.
=== Turn Left ===
=== Keep/Stay Left ===
=== Exit Left ===
The instruction ''in a [[LHT|left hand traffic]] country'' will be Exit left.
'''In a [[RHT|right hand traffic]] country this instruction does not exist''', and will instead give a [[#Keep/Stay_Left|Keep/Stay_Left]] instruction. A junction with this exact setup but a right angle turn would give an [[#Exit_Right|Exit Right]] instruction in a [[RHT|right hand traffic]] country.

Latest revision as of 10:50, 30 November 2015

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