Editing pages in Wazeopedia is simple. Follow this guide to see how.
New Wazeopedia Editing Guide
Start editing
If you click to "edit" link on the top of the page you will open the Visual editor. It is called visual because you can see what you will get and don't have to mess with wiki syntax:File:Help editing start.png
You are encouraged to make full use of heading. this will help structure the page, enable users to better understand the content, build the table of content and will assist the search engine in finding the right thing.
You can either copy-paste from other sources, including web pages, documents, and other pages in Wazeopedia. The Visual editor will handle some of the formatting but you might need to fix some issues occurring.
Why can't I edit a page?
There might be some different reason for why you cannot edit a page on Wazeopedia:
Check if you are currently logged in - only logged users can edit pages.
I only see the Source editing option - pages that are not in content namespaces (meaning - their address start with a namespace like Template:some page) can only be edited with the source editor.
Permissions - in specific wikis there are some editing restriction - the Global wiki can be edited only by global champs, and some local wikis by users in the local champs group.
The page is protected - a local champ or admin had restricted editing for this specific page for some reason
The page you are trying to edit is not a content page - special pages and some other pages in the platform are not available for editing.
I can't save - sometimes if you copy content from external resources you might copy some hidden characters that are blocking saving. Try to delete this pasted section and save again. If you need this content paste it without formatting (ctrl+shift+v or cmd+shift+v in most devices). Saving might fail also because of network connectivity issues.