- Возьмите бесплатное приложение Waze для вашего смартфона
- Прочтите Начальное руководство
- Get help when you have Waze running but the map shows few or no roads, or streets with no names, or you travel to an unmapped area
- Understand the timing of updates, including when you can edit roads you have driven on
- Guidelines
- Please do not edit the map until you have read best map editing practice and map editing
- Please do not turn on recording a new road unless you are about to drive on to a road that is not already on the map
- Use the My Dashboard section on the Waze website
- Read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and a glossary of terms
- Participate in the announcements and discussion forums
If you have problems, try and find your own solution or ask the community for help:
- Use the Wiki - there is a search box just to the left
- Use the Discussion Forums
If all else fails, you can email Waze with your problem