User:Moweez/BeNeLux Map Editing Quick-start Guide View history


This new page is currently undergoing modifications. The information presented should be considered a draft, not yet ready for use. This content is open to changes from anyone during construction. If you would like to make changes or have questions, please send a private message to this user.

Welcome editor !

This page provides the basics to start editing the Waze Map. Because Waze is a navigation tool and not a topographic map, some things are drawn differently than expected. Our advice is to choose one type of edit and first familiarize yourself with all aspects of that edit. Otherwise, you might as well get overfeed with information. Your Community is happy to help you make your edits work.

How to get to the Waze Map Editor (WME)

  1. Log in to If prompted to login, use the same username and password as you do on the Waze client app and the rest of the Waze website.
  2. Choose you location at the right of the top bar
  3. Click 'live map'
  4. Click 'edit the map'

Or, go directly to

After logging in, you will see the following page:

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However, the top bar layout has just changed in the new version of WME:

If you want to learn more about the controls and functions of WME (Waze Map Editor), you can find more details on the WME Interface and Controls page.

Start in Practice Mode

Before editing the map for real, you may first want to practice editing. Go to the WME server and choose Practice Mode. If you are already logged into WME, log out first to be able to enter Practice Mode.

The Waze Map Editor has a Practice mode in which you can perform nearly every action available when logged into the Editor, except that you cannot save any changes. In order to save changes, you must log in. Practice mode is helpful to new and existing editors and should be used to try out new or complicated edits before executing them.
More information can be found on Practice Mode.

Editing the map

Let's start edit the map!

Create a Road

  1. Hover the mouse over the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination button on the toolbar at the top of the page and click "Road" (Shortcut key: i; Roundabouts are explained in another section)
  2. Click the mouse on the map at the point where you want to start the new road segment.
  3. Move the mouse cursor along the path of the road and click the mouse to add a geometry node for each point that changes direction along the road.
  4. When finished, double-click (or shift-click) the last point to end the segment.
  5. Select the segment again, and fill in the details of the segment in the menu pane on the left.
  • Each segment that is added must have a Country, City, and Street name, under the "Edit" link left. If there is no City and/or Street name available, then the "None" box(es) must be selected, or the segment will stay as an unfinished red line.
  • Be sure the road actually exists before creating it.
  • View a step-by-step video on how to add a road from an existing intersection. Note: this video is made with a previous version of WME, therefore, the layout looks different.

For more detail on creating road segments, see Creating and editing road segments.

Create a Place

Hover over this Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination button to show Place categories. Choose one and click on the map to add it. This will add a point place. Use the left pane to change it to an area and to change other information about the place. For an area place, use geometry nodes of the place to change its shape.

More information about Places can found in the BeNeLux Places page.

Changing elements on the map

To change existing roads or Places, select the object you want to change. Now you can change the shape or appearance by adjusting the road geometry.

Geometry nodes

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Segment geometry node
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Places geometry node
When editing a segment or Area Place, large white circles appear where the segment changes direction ultimately altering its shape. Click and drag them individually to alter the geometry of the segment or Place. Press the d key while the mouse is hovered over them to delete the geometry node. Alternately, hold the d key and then move the mouse over the nodes you want to delete.
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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
The smaller white circles between the geometry nodes are "inter"-geometry nodes. When you click and drag an inter-geometry node, it becomes a larger geometry node and two more inter-geometry nodes appear halfway between each side again.

TIP: Under the Layer icon at the top right of the Map Editor Tool Bar, you can turn off the road layer , to have a better view on the road structure and Satellite Image.
TIP: Press "Del" to delete a selected segment, Place, or junction´´

For more information, see Editing existing roads.

Connecting roads

When drawing new segments, or moving segments around, the editor will automatically make junctions.

  1. For new roads, if you start and/or end the new segment on an existing segment, a junction is created at the location were you start/end the new segment
  2. For existing roads, if you move the start or the end of a segment onto an existing segment, a junction is created
  3. If you move a junction to an existing segment or junction, all roads connected will be part of the junction.

Be sure to check the turn restrictions for your newly created junctions.

Turn instructions

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When you select a segment, you can set the turn instructions by clicking the arrows at the junction(s) with other segments.

In General:

  • A green arrow means Allowed
  • A yellow arrow with a clock means Partially Restricted (scheduled or vehicle-type based)
  • A red arrow with the circle-slash icon means Restricted
  • Clicking an arrow toggles between Allowed and Restricted (or, between Partially and Fully Restricted).

NOTE: The slashed-circle icon for Restricted and clock icon for Partial turn restrictions are put in place to allow editors with various forms of color blindness differentiate between the three different types of turn arrows.

Each arrow must be set correctly for Waze to route correctly. Initial turn restrictions on roads that are impported by Waze, are set automatically by the Waze routing engine. Automatically set turns can be altered by the routing engine, but manually set turns cannot. Unfortunately, both automatic and manually set restricted turns are represented by red arrows and cannot be distinguished. Currently, when you use the option to enable all turns, it will not fully change the routing from automatic to manual instructions, leaving possible so called RevCons. To clear these, select the junction with the mouse. Then, in the left menu pane, click the link to "Disallow all connections" and then "Allow all connections". Alternately you can use the keyboard shortcuts, by pressing the letter 'q' to disallow all connections, followed by 'w' to allow all connections.

See the section set allowed turns for more information.

Keyboard Shortcuts for turn instructions
  • Press s to separate overlapping arrows.
  • Press a to make arrows transparent or opaque, so you can see beneath them or click items under them
  • Press q to disallow all turns
  • Press w to allow all turns
  • Press Shift+z to toggle between seeing the turns for one segement, or seeing all resticted turns (red arrows) for all junctions in your screen.

Create a roundabout

  1. Draw single road segments that will lead to the roundabout and ensure they extend into the center of the roundabout area. Use the visual map or gps points to align the roads.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination button on the toolbar at the top of the page and click "Roundabout" (Shortcut key: o).
  3. Click the mouse on the map at the center of the roundabout area.
  4. Move the mouse cursor outside, up to the middle of where the roundabout road should be, and single-click.
  5. Roundabouts should not get a Streetname to enable proper routing. Enter the City name in the "Edit" menu left. Check the "None" box of the Streetname.

Roundabouts in WME will yield specific routing instructions to drivers, such as "at the roundabout, take the third exit". If those routing instructions could confuse drivers, the Roundabout tool should not be used.

Roundabouts should neither be used for cul-de-sacs or other dead end streets, regardless of how round they are. A single road segment leading to a cul-de-sac should be drawn as a dead end. With very large roads it might be advisable to create a loop, but not a roundabout.

Traffic circles without roundabout signs neither should get a roundabout. In some cases, a roundabout is not used even if there is a roundabout sign, to create the best possible instructions for the situation.

Create a loop road

When drawing a road which connects to the same segment at both ends, only one junction is created. To create the other junction:

  1. Move the end of the new segment away from where it is
  2. Drop it
  3. Move it back to where you want the junction to be

When the start and end of a road segment ends at the same junction, the above may not work. Cut the looping segment somewhere, following the instructions in Cutting a segment. Then join the remaining segment end to the common junction and apply normal turn restrictions.

Please note, this form of loop road should only be sparsely used with care. For more information, see the article Loops in the Junction Style Guide.

--Untill here--


Het maken van bruggen staat hier beschreven. Mogelijke valkuil:

  • Beide segmenten moeten dezelfde kenmerken hebben
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Making crossroads

Deze techniek staat hier beschreven. Mogelijke valkuil:

  • Beide segmenten moeten op hetzelfde hoogteniveau liggen
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Walking Trails / Pedestrian Boardwalks

Non-drivable roads should rather NOT be added to the map. They are often not necessary to use, because Waze is solely meant for drivers. They should only be added when it improves navigation for the driver!

General exceptions for drawing non-drivable roads:

  • If navigation is unclear without them
  • If there aren't alternative ways leading to the destination
  • to prevent automatic Map Problems (MP’s), because of cyclists, walkers or travellers with public transport who use Waze (Aaargh).
  • To separate different speed tracks, for keeping speed data accurate.
  • the segment contains housenumbers.

Both Walking Trails and Pedestrian Boardwalks, as all non-drivable roads, should generally not be connected to drivable roads. Although the penalty in the routing calculation is high, if these roads would be connected, it can generate wrong routes.

BeNelux convention on using walking trail
(only if one of the above arguments count):
Walking trails are used for a specific purpose in the BeNeLux. Unlike its name is suggesting, it is only used for public transport like a bus lane. Segments should be locked at level 5.

BeNelux convention on using Pedestrian Boardwalk
(only if one of the above arguments count):
If you think a Pedestrian Boardwalk is needed to help the driver finding it's way, than they can be used for Bicycle paths, Walking paths, and Pedestrian zones. They are generally set to driving direction Unknown and are not connected to driveable roads. However, non-drivable segments containing housenumbers should be connected, and the driving direction is set to two-way. All necessary Pedestrian Boardwalks are locked at a minimum level 3.

Be aware that adding Walking Trails and Pedestrian Boardwalks can even generate the use of Waze by cyclists and walkers, which would lead to corrupt data! Walking trails and Pedestrian Boardwalks that are not necessary should be deleted, even if they do not disturb the routing. Its presence will encourage other editors to add even more!

When you have any doubt on using one of these segment types, just ask your Community.

Parking lots

ToDo: adapt Parking lots


Since november 2014 it is possible to search for housenumbers which are inputted via the Waze Map Editor and saved in the Waze database. To support this functionality, Waze imported housenumber data from external sources, in multiple countries, like The Netherlands. This was not the case in Belgium or Luxemburg.

When searching for an address in the Waze app or Livemap, Waze will use the following order to present the results: 1. Manual created housenumbers 2. Google Maps database 3. Imported housenumber data

Bottom line: if you notice a wrongly positioned address/housenumber in the app or livemap, you can change it via the Waze Map Editor. This will result to a primarly suggested, correct, location.

Making a permalink

Om hulp te vragen in het forum is het vaak handig als je een permalink in je forumpost kunt zetten. Als je bijvoorbeeld een bewerking wilt uitvoeren aan een weg die hoger dan jouw level gelocked is, dan kun je een unlock request aanvragen. Vermeld zeker de reden van de unlock en een Permalink naar de segmenten die je graag geunlocked wilt zien.

Zo'n permalink is eigenlijk een URL van de lokatie, en bevat lokatie, zoomniveau, zichtbare lagen, en geselecteerde objecten.

  1. selecteer alle segmenten die je wilt veranderen
    • Om meerdere segmenten te selecteren, klik je ze aan terwijl je tegelijkertijd de 'Command'(Mac) of 'Ctrl'(Windows/Linux)-toets ingedrukt houdt
  2. klik op Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    • In de WME is een kleine tekst-knop in de rechter onderhoek, genaamd 'Permalink'
    • Door hier te klikken, verschijnt er een link naar de huidige lokatie in de adresbalk van je browser.
  3. kopieer de link van de adresbalk
  4. en plak deze in chat, het forum, ...

Andere gebruikers moeten slechts op jouw link klikken, om de betreffende mapzone te openen. Zo kunnen zij jouw aanvraag makkelijk behandelen.

Benelux Advanced Guide

Het vervolg van deze guide is terug te vinden op de volgende pagina:

Benelux Advanced Guide

Benelux Community Roads Places Forum WME