Talk:USA/CommonState View history

If you have comments or questions about this page, please come to the forums. Do not add questions on this page.

Instructions for using this page

These instructions need to be updated for the new template format. See USA/CommonState/Start.

This page is designed as a general template to be used when creating a USA state or territory page. Global templates are used as much as possible to make maintenance much easier due to the 50+ pages that are used in the USA. Be sure not to remove any templates unless absolutely necessary and then it should only be done after review with the [[[:USA/CommonState/ForumLinkURL]] Wiki experts in the forums].

Templates serve two general purposes. They typically allow common code to be used in multiple places with parameters passed to them changing their outcome. They are also used to hold text which is common to multiple pages that may change in the future.

Templates appear in edit mode with double braces like Template:Tlc. To view the actual page you would go to Template:RC/Data. In some cases the template will include a ":" like {{:USA/CommonState/Overview}}. The colon indicates the template code is in the Main: namespace and not the Template: namespace.

The instructions are broken into two parts: 1) First time setup, and 2) Maintenance.

First time setup

The following instructions are directed to the editor who is first setting up this template for a state.

1. Copy the entire content of this page (the main page, not this discussion/talk page) under edit mode. Do not use the "move" page option.

2. If the state page currently exists, paste this content on a temporary page, otherwise paste it on the pagename of the state. The automated code will only work on pages that use a valid state name as the root page name (or USA/CommonState). Direct pages (Arizona) and subpages (Arizona/Test or Arizona/Test/Review) to any level are all valid during the setup process, but the final page is designed to be on a root page name with the state or territory, like Arizona.

These next steps are all to be carried out on the state page created in the first steps above.

3. Review the editor notes in each section while in edit mode and make the appropriate changes noted. Some instructions ask for some comments to be removed after the step is complete, but all other notes should be left in for future editors to see the comments.

Here is an example of template and comment code from the page that should not be altered.

{{:USA/CommonState/Overview}}<!-- Keep this common template. 
Add additional overivew information below. Most state unique content should
go into the Introduction section below.-->

{{clear}}{{TOC left}}{{:USA/CommonState/Notice}}{{clear}}<!-- Keep as is -->

4. Ensure there is a file with the name USA_STATENAME.png where STATENAME is the name of the state or territory as it appears in the pagename. Do not use all caps for the filename. Make it use the same caps as USA_Arizona.png.

5. Integrate any content from a current state page as needed. Be sure to add the content in the appropriate sections already created.

6. Keep the section templates at the top of each section for the generic information to simplify generic messages for each section across all states. Do not change the templates at the top of each section. They are generic for all states and territories as much as possible. If the state or territory for which this template is being used has a conflict with the content of one of the templates, please bring that to the attention of the [[[:USA/CommonState/ForumLinkURL]] Wiki experts in the forums].

7. Resist moving sections around in this template because all states are being set up this same way. If necessary add subsections to current sections. New sections should be reviewed with other state editors to keep the template as similar as possible.

8. Review the final proposed page with other editors in your state.

9. Once you have consensus with the other editors, if the page was created on a temporary page, copy the entire contents in edit mode and paste it over the current contents of the state or territory page. The Wiki will keep track of all past content if there is need to look up anything in the prior version of the page.

10. Remove the construction message box at the top of the page if all the content is completed and ready for use by other editors.

Maintenance after initial creation

This overall template uses many subtemplates to make maintenance easy for future changes across all the 50+ pages. That is why it is important to keep them in the template. Be sure to review all proposed changes to templates with the [[[:USA/CommonState/ForumLinkURL]] other editors in the forums] before making any changes.

Most of the maintenance can be done through the subpage templates (listed below). Each section of the state page will have an associated subpage. For example the Resources section with have a template on a subpage using that same name (USA/CommonState/Resources). Go to the desired subpage to edit the content which will automatically appear on all 50+ pages.

Subpages and preloads

Most of these subpages are used as common templates for each section of the state page to increase consistency between states. They should only be modified after reviewing with the [[[:USA/CommonState/ForumLinkURL]] other state editors in the forum].

  • The main page link covers the primary content for that section seen on every state page.
  • The two Preload pages are used on the individual state pages when they are first created. The content on the preload page can include hints or proposed content for state editors to use when first setting up the page. Once the unique state page is created, these preload templates have no affect on those pages. Think of them as a one time guidance which is then ignored after that. Only the portion of the preload that the editor keeps on the page will remain, but any subsequent changes to the preload page will not appear on the already created unique state pages.
  • The Full Page Preload is used when creating stand alone subpages, like Connecticut/Cities and towns.
  • The Optional Content Preload is used when creating the section on the main page that follows the universal content. When the optional page gets created, the optional content on the main page in that section gets displaced.

If a preload page is not created (visible as red links), then when users create a new subpage in their state there is no guidance for what might be put on the page. This is more important for the optional content pages that are viewed in the main page because special flow code is often desired.

Primary Subpages
Subpage (Preloads) Purpose
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial overview paragraph before the table of contents. Explains the purpose of the page.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Appears to the right of the Table of Contents. Used to convey overall updates, messages, etc. Can be text, message boxes, links, etc.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial introductory section content. Currently contains very basic information that is common to all states and a couple of automated templates that display a little content specific to each state.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial resource section information. Typically would include links to Waze and external resources that are common to all states.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial forum section information. Likely this content will be the extent of this section for most states as it automatically contains the links to each state.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial Cities and towns section information. Likely that this content will be very basic since only some states are dependent upon this page.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement) Initial Major roads information.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial Places information.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial construction section information. Currently it points to information in the Wiki on construction. Most everything else will be custom per state. The current template automatically adds the link to the construction subpage if it is created as STATENAME/Construction where STATENAME is the name of the state or territory. If no separate page exists it will allow one key Department of Transportation (or similar site) URL to be passed as a parameter like: |
If no link is desired, pass none as the parameter. Most of this automation is for states that do nothing to the state page, but we want some content to be available.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial camera section information with general links to various Wiki pages.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial special road information linking to Wiki on road type with no state unique settings. The second part of page is controlled by a state unique flag allowing the unique state page to override the second section.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Initial To do section information. It checks for a Statename/To do page and shows a link, otherwise it suggests creating the page and shows a link.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Special section for universal expansion of state pages. Only displays if a state has specific content on their Unique Portion page accessed on their talk page. These pages default to no content and minimal state page preloads.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Area Manager information at the beginning of that section.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement Contains the {{USA Navbox}} showing all states and territories.
Other Subpages
USA/CommonState/ForumLink A message box that appears on each subpage telling people not to modify the contents of that page without discussion.
USA/CommonState/ForumLinkURL The actual URL used in USA/CommonState/ForumLink
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement A special saved page holding more complex preload files in case the <noinclude> and <includeonly> tags need to be escaped. Ignore these links for normal purposes. They are not linked to any other template. Do not modify them.
USA/CommonState/TalkTableElement A preload only page for the special portion of the Area Manager table that provides the ability to edit just the Area Manager section through a link on the main Area Manager page.

All subpages for cross reference purposes. Italics are redirects:

Other notes during template construction

To do list

This list being managed by « kentsmith9 » (talk) 23:01, 3 July 2014 (UTC)

Steps to First Release
Category Description Status
Etiquette Include link to etiquette section of Wiki.
Area Manager table Integrate California/AMtest for AM editing of table. Done
Area Manager table Inform editors that the table is only for Rank 3 Area Managers and above.
Area Manager table Confirm from forum that less than Rank 3 is desired. Done
Area Manager table Create commented code to enable editors to easily add the table if desired. Integrate the Heading template. Done for Area Manager section
Pending for other sections
Area Manager Table Create forum Icon templates to show in Comments and make background color match first icon. Done
Area Manager Table Automate RC icons from Template:RC/Data so users need not manage them. Done
Area Manager Table Template:AM/Editor need to determine RC status first; if true for current state then shift badges down 2>3, 1>2, RC>1 and then continue as before. Done Solved differently by placing the RC at the table head.
Area Manager Table Proposal to reduce grouping to AM and CM without rank. Done
Sections Add generic images to each section as appropriate.
Sections Add State vs Territory to the database and don't use state generically.
Sections Each section must include a common template to enable single updates to display on all state pages. In progress with new template proposal
Camera Move content on Camera placement from Texas page to cameras page. That camera page is already linked and noted on the CommonState page. Done
State Image Create image for when not found that links to page showing how to add new state image. Can use page in current Wiki with [[File:Wiki.png|50px|link=SomePage]] Done
{{EditState}} Identify which links are not typically used
Testing Create test pages against current states
Arizona / West Virginia / Texas / Connecticut
Final Steps At bottom of the template, create a box to create a section on the Talk page to add the section [[Editing custom sections]] with Template:Tlc.
Final Steps Ensure instructions at top of this page are all correct to final operation.
Final Steps Activate __ NOEDITSECTION __ at top of template
Final Steps Move Completed To Do list items to archive and add link, but keep table for future changes after release.
Future Releases
Category Description Status
EditState and others Suppress external link arrow with <span class="plainlinks">[http://]</span>
EditState Change Talk page {{EditState}} template to show hyperlinks in red. Further consider making the link a button.
EditState Determine of an empty (no display) page can be detected and indicate such on the table.
EditState Expand table to show and highlight Rare and Common pages to be created.
Statename Talk Page Add link to expanded documentation on State Page usage