Translations:Benelux Roads (General)/41/en View history

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Hoe belangrijker een weg, hoe meer Wazers er gebruik van maken en hoe pijnlijker het is als deze niet correct is bewerkt en de routing vreemd begint te doen. Om dit te voorkomen worden belangrijke wegen in de [[Benelux_Community#Waze_Map_Editor_.28WME.29|Waze Map Editor]] gelocked op bepaalde levels.
Depending on the importance of a road, it will be used by more Wazers, an error in editing will be more painfull and routing could start doing some really weird things. To prevent this not wanted situations, some of the most important roads are locked on a certain level, in the [[Benelux_Community#Waze_Map_Editor_.28WME.29|Waze Map Editor]].

Latest revision as of 08:12, 6 July 2017

Depending on the importance of a road, it will be used by more Wazers, an error in editing will be more painfull and routing could start doing some really weird things. To prevent this not wanted situations, some of the most important roads are locked on a certain level, in the Waze Map Editor.