Un "MapRaid" es el esfuerzo en conjunto de la comunidad por un tiempo limitado, con el objetivo de mejorar el estado del mapa. En donde los editores mas antiguos asesoran a los nuevos editores, y juntos ayudan a mejorar el mapa lo mas perfecto posible.
Abierto para TODOS los rangos
Crear nuevas vías donde no hay mapa base (Objetivo principal)
Arreglar las rutas del mapa base (lo que incluye mover las carreteras a los lugares correctos y garantizar la conectividad) (Objetivo secundario)
Resolver problemas de enrutamiento de larga distancia
Actualización pendiente de "Lugares"
Resuelver las URs y los MPs
Agreguar cuerpos de agua importantes, incluyendo el lago Kariba, el río Zambezi, el río Kafue y el río Luangwa.
El chat oficial de Waze dentro de WME (asegúrate de elegir la sala de chat de Zambia en la ventana de chat)
Waze Global Discord Server. Los editores ya están agregados en grupos en el servidor Global de Waze para una mejor comunicación
El idioma principal será el Ingles, ya que contamos con editores de 43 países diferentes. Si necesita ayuda con la traducción, solicítela.
Cuando este editando en el área del Map Raid no olvide estar visible en el chat del WME y active la capa "Live Users"
Areas y Grupos de Trabajo
Zambia tiene diez provincias; hemos dividido el Raid en aproximadamente esas diez provincias
1- Western
2- North Western
3- Southern
4- Lusaka
5- Central
6- Copperbelt
7- Eastern
8- Luapula
9- Northern
10- Muchinga
Use esta Script overlay for WME para ver las áreas de los grupos de trabajo. Tenga en cuenta que el borde es poco preciso y no se puede usar para definir con precisión las fronteras nacionales.
Para usar la Script de las áreas, primero debe tener instalado TamperMonkey (Chrome) o Greasemonkey (Firefox).
Use la pestaña de configuración (icono de engranaje a la derecha)
Units: Metric Environment: World Language: choose your language
Left-hand Traffic (LHT)
Left-hand Traffic (LHT) (Conducción por la izquierda)
En países como Sudáfrica, el Reino Unido y Australia, los siguientes términos se utilizan comúnmente para describir la reglas viales para estos países:
Left-hand traffic (LHT) - Posición de trafico
(Manténgase a la izquierda) Keep to the Left - Posición de trafico
(Conduzca a la izquierda) Drive on the Left - Posición de trafico
(Conducción por la derecha) Right-hand drive (RHD) - Posición del conductor
En Zambia se conduce por la izquierda Left-Hand-Traffic (LHT). Para mas información sobre esto, por favor lea Rule of the road.
Mejorar la Conectividad Principal
La interconexión entre las principales ciudades y pueblos de Zambia se ha identificado como uno de los problemas mas importantes de enrutamiento. Necesitamos verificar las rutas que conectan los pueblos y las ciudades. Muchas veces, las calles de menor nivel interrumpen las carreteras y Waze no puede calcular una ruta de larga distancia.
In many places, the base map needs to be corrected. Some segments were created long ago when imagery was not as it is good today. Alignment and road types are important factors to make sure are correct.
Add missing roads
Please read the simple quick-start guide for a guideline on adding new roads.
If you notice any roads on the satellite layer that have not been added to the WME map, please add them. Make sure the road is complete, drivable and is connected to the rest of the road network. Some clues you can use to confirm smaller roads are:
GPS layer showing Wazers are driving on the road.
Information from local drivers who have been there (this can be you if you have been there).
Many roads are not surfaced (i.e. they are gravel roads). Use the "unpaved" checkbox only on "Street" road type. NEVER use the "unmaintained" road type.
Divide Highways
If the road is classified as mH or higher and is wide enough for median segments at intersections to be >5m, you need to create two one-way segments. You can unset the checkbox for "Draw new roads as two-way" to help with this.
If an existing road is classified as mH or higher and is wide enough. Median segments at intersections should be >5m. To divide an existing road, create two one-way segments from each 2-way segment (preserving the traffic data in both directions). If you are not familiar with the technique for preserving traffic data in both directions, please work with an editor who is. We follow the guidelines in this presentation on dividing roads
Solve URs and MPs
When responding to URs, you have a few choices. You can use Google Translate or ask in our MapRaid Discord channel.
Please add bodies of water which are important for helping drivers orient themselves as they navigate with Waze. These include Lake Kariba, Zambezi River and Luangwa River. In general, roads are more important than bodies of water. If you have questions, please contact your group leaders.
Speed Limits
Do not add speed limits. It is NOT a goal of this mapraid. Some roads may have speed limits which were verified by eye or from UR. Do not change speed limits unless you can verify the presence (or absence) of a sign.
Road Classification
Road Type
Name Example
Name type
Lock Level
Carretera primaria
Carretera secundaria
Calle Principal
Haile Selassie Ave
Conventional Name
Lufupa Rd
Conventional Name
Unsurfaced Roads
Use the "Unpaved" checkbox
DO NOT use the road type "Offroad / 4x4". Use the most appropriate road type for routing.
Street names which appear in WME street view images (these come from Google Maps, and are sometimes wrong)
Warning: If you copy information from unauthorized sources, you may be removed from this mapraid. Also, every segment you edited may be removed from the map. Copying information from copyrighted sources is illegal!
Specific tools for this MapRaid
Use this overlay for WME to view the boundaries of the mapraid groups. via an extra layer. Keep in mind that the border is very rough and cannot be used to precisely define the national boundaries.
To use the overlay, you must first have TamperMonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) installed.
Highly recommended scripts
These tools are all scripts that will help you make better use of the information available to you in WME. For this mapraid, the following are highly recommended. You are responsible for learning what they do and using them appropriately.
Helps you spot 2-segment loops, segments with undefined direction, and "soft nodes" with unconfirmed turns, and has other tools available for higher-ranked editors. Some tools are not working following recent WME changes.
Please remember that you are responsible for edits made through the use of scripts
Always understand what the script does before using it! There is a wiki page and a forum with more information.