Waze 地图编辑,尝试你的第一次
Waze 地图编辑宗旨:实用、简洁、不轻易删除。 改进 Waze 地图,意味你加入一群志同道合者,共同改进 Waze 驾驶体验。你会发现自己庞大权力改善 Waze 导航通勤。实现这一目标,需要由简到繁,熟悉 Waze 地图编辑器原则,与 Waze 伙伴多交流。
- 理解 Waze 地图编辑器(WME)指南,用以指导编辑地图并改进地图。Waze 智能应用有视频介绍了编辑功能,但只是管中窥豹。每个编辑意味着一批 Waze 用户看到明显变化。不去删除路段,只能依据编辑宗旨(实用、简洁、不轻易删除)改变地图。
- 熟悉 Waze 地图编辑器交流平台。交流、合作,Waze 地图编辑器基础之一。尽早与其他 WME 编辑互动,能尽早避免在编辑地图过程碰壁,也能打下 WME 坚实知识基础。
- 新地域更新,区域内新增道路信息才得到刷新,两者之间有时间空挡。
- 变更地点信息,得到批准才生效。2级地图编辑者直接编辑地点,变动即时生效。在另一地域新增地点,需等待这个更新地域获得批准,后者一旦更新成功,新增地点同步更新。
- 留意地图动态刷新,得知地域更新时间规律。所有地域每1至3天刷新一次。
- 注册 WME 账户(帮助页面:暂无中文)
- 避免注册 USA 或者 World 词头账号名(帮助页面:英文),命名或者更新为容易理解的账号名。
- 登入 Waze 论坛(英文)或者 Waze 论坛中文区(1、2),确认账号生效,其他 WME 编辑可联系你。
- 在沙盒模式下练习编辑地图:退出 WME,在 WME 登出状态操练编辑。多阅读 WME 常见疑问。
首次编辑 Waze 地图
- 凭账号密码登入 WME
- 记好,开始一处编辑,坚持直到结束和无误。学习 WME 上乘编辑术,一筹莫展时,翻阅一下 WME 常见疑问。也可读一读完整版本 WME 导读,这份导读事无巨细展示在常见问题以外操作 WME 。
- 稳妥结束首次编辑地图前,记得:
- 检查拼写货错别字
- 检查车道单双向
- 检查路口
- 创建新道路,或者完善 Waze 智能应用新铺设道路。确认生效这条新机动车道,连接上另一条道路,订正路口上允许或者禁止转向,最后得到一条准确道路。
- 如果没有中高级编辑指导,避免编辑以下事项:
- 保存变更后,发一条服务器信息
“首次编辑结束,哪位可以帮忙勘误”,在信息框里加入这个变更地点的页面链接 。方法是:点击这处地图变更,在浏览器右下角悬浮在链接图标
上,同时按键盘 {{key press|Crtl|C}} 获取地点链接。
首次编辑 Waze 地图结束后
- 收取 Waze 论坛发给你的站内消息
- 浏览编辑者论坛,与其他编辑者交流
- 收取邮件,如果这个邮箱申请过 Waze 帐号。邮件包含 Waze 站内消息,以及 Waze 论坛其他动态。
- 在编辑者论坛提问
- 学习 WME 新手知识(英文)
- 寻找地图大区管理员, 介绍自己或者发论坛站内消息以咨询大区管理员。
- 学会审校自己编辑过的地图,学习 WME 上乘编辑术,杜绝新手容易犯下的 WME 错。
- 研读 Waze 百科。熟悉从WME 常见疑问 找答案。精通 WME 界面。掌握创建道路的正确时机,掌握路口和道路类型怎样影响规划道路。WME 创建道路繁复,别忘了路在嘴边。
- 对不易察觉的地图编辑出错,使用骨灰级编辑者开发的 Chrome 或者 Firefox 浏览器插件
- 键盘快捷键:例如 Template:Documentation subpage
This is the Template:Tl template primarily designed to illustrate keys and keystrokes on a computer keyboard. With additional parameters, a single template can even illustrate a combination of multiple simultaneous keystrokes. A sequence of keystrokes, on the other hand, need to be demonstrated with separate templates.
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
Keystroke combinations
To illustrate keystroke combinations, just use extra parameters:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
This template currently handles up to 10 key name parameters, which should be more than enough to accommodate for any possible combination of simultaneous keystrokes. If it gets too many key name parameters it reports the page into Category:Keypress template parameter needs fixing. This means we can easily find those pages and fix them, or we can discover if we need to make this template take more parameters.
When you feed several key names to this template, it adds a "+" (or whatever the contents of the optional chain parameter) with no spaces around. This means it won't line wrap. But when you show key combinations for instance in a table then that might cause too wide items. Then instead manually build the key combination with spaces around the "+" so it can line wrap:
- Template:Tlx + Template:Tlx + Template:Tlx →
- Template loop detected: Template:Key press + Template loop detected: Template:Key press + Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx →
- Template loop detected: Template:Key press
On the other hand, to illustrate Windows Alt codes you might want to use separate templates with no intervening punctuation or space. In most Windows systems in North America and Western Europe, for example, the plus-minus sign (±) can be entered by holding down the Alt key while typing 0177
(with the numeric keypad):
- Template:TlxTemplate:TlxTemplate:TlxTemplate:Tlx →
- Template loop detected: Template:Key pressTemplate loop detected: Template:Key pressTemplate loop detected: Template:Key pressTemplate loop detected: Template:Key press
An example of a use case where more than 5 might be used is explaining usage of a macro (keyboard shortcut) created by a third-party application:
- Template:Tlx →
- Template loop detected: Template:Key press
If there is an article about the key you can wikilink the key's name like any other wiki text. Like this:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
If you are wikilinking the keys, please ensure that you are piping to the correct page (e.g. [[Control key|Ctrl]]
instead of [[Ctrl]]
, which leads to a Disambiguation page).
Wiki markup characters
Some wiki markup character, like the pipe symbol, the semicolon and the equals sign, need to be entered using the Template:Tl, Template:Tl and Template:Tl templates or as an HTML entity |, ;, = respectively:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
However, if the characters are marked as wikilinks, they can be entered as such:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
Most markup characters also have aliases:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
Key symbols
Some key names have a fitting Unicode character. This template automatically adds such "icons" to the following key names among others (see also Arrows exception below).
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
There are no characters for the Windows key and Menu key. Besides, the Windows logo is trademarked. So this template shows approximate characters for them in the following way:
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
- Template:Tlx → Template loop detected: Template:Key press
Technical details
This template calls Template:Tl, which holds the code that otherwise would be repeated several times in Template:Tl, thus simplifying the code.
Illustrates keys and keystrokes on a computer keyboard. Keys can include: Ctrl, Alt, Del, Opt, Menu, Left etc. console keys: ex, circle, triangle, square, and left right and center analog sticks: l-down, c-left, r-ne. The names are case insensitive.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
First key | 1 | First key | Line | required |
Second key | 2 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Third key | 3 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Forth key | 4 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Fifth key | 5 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Sixth key | 6 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Seventh key | 7 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Eighth key | 8 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Ninth key | 9 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Tenth key | 10 | Optional key press in combination as the first. | Line | optional |
Chaining character | chain | Character between chained key presses
| Line | optional |
Chaining character | chain first | Character between first and second key to press
| Line | optional |
Chaining character | chain second | Character between second and third key to press
| Line | optional |
Chaining character | chain third | Character between third and fourth key to press
| Line | optional |
Chaining character | chain fourth | Character between fourth and fifth key to press
| Line | optional |
Not to be confused with
- Template:Tl – Produces a similar visual effect, but without the semantic markup, e.g. Template:Button.
Keyboard shortcuts -- For example, ⇧ Shift+Z shows all forbidden turns. WME Toolbox -- Contains many powerful tools and highlights, including fixes for common errors at intersections, and gets more powerful as you climb in editing rank and role. Color Highlighter -- Makes some road segment features easier to see. Chat addon -- Gives your chat window a much-needed upgrade and smooths away a couple of WME chat bugs. Things you can do next Learn the right way to use Update requests to improve the map -- courteously and efficiently. You might consider using UR Overview + for its powerful UR filtering tools. Consider Formal Mentoring. It is a great opportunity to learn the basics quickly, and speed your advancement through the ranks. Whether or not you think you are interested in formal mentoring, have a look through the learning material on the Mentoring Resources page.