Update Requests
The objective is to resolve legitimate map issues -- not just to close URs. Any editor can research and reply to an Update Request. Rank 1 editors will need to work with a more senior editor to review and close a UR. Be sure to take time to comprehend the issue, and ensure that the reporter has time to respond - a reporter often cannot provide the detail when making the report while driving, but may be able to provide more detail when queried after their drive. URs may be left open longer if needed to properly resolve the issue. Clear communication with reporters and other editors through UR comments and Map Comments are key.
Where appropriate, reply to users with the standard replies provided by the URC-E script. If 4 days pass without a reply from the user, send the reminder message. Close the UR if a further 4 days pass without a reply from the user. We always try to get a response from the reporter to try to fix the issue whenever possible.
To improve your chances of getting helpful replies to your UR comments, use specific, personalized comments such as "Volunteer responding - Last Tuesday at 5PM you submitted a map issue regarding Turn Not Allowed. Waze instructed you to turn right on Dundas Street, but you continued straight on York Avenue. What was wrong?" The URC-E script gives you the ability to template much of this.
No editor "owns" a UR, we work as a team to investigate and resolve issues. However, if it is clear an editor is actively and timely working on an issue with the reporter, etiquette would suggest that you contact them before stepping in and resolving it. In most parts of Canada there are plenty of unanswered and sometimes very stale UR's to be worked on before going to one being recently worked by another editor.
The following timeline starts on "Day 0," which is the day you find a UR that has not yet been addressed by another editor.
- Day 0 (the day the first message is sent to the reporter): Use satellite view, street view, and the information in the UR to try to solve the UR. If you can fix the problem, do so, and thank the reporter for their help. If not enough information is available and you cannot identify the problem, respond to the UR asking for more information.
- Day 4 (4 days after the initial message): After 4 days if you haven't received a response from the reporter and you still cannot identify the problem send a reminder message for more information.
- Day 8 (4 days after the last reminder was sent): If you still haven't received a reply from the report, and you still cannot identify the problem, you may close the UR as not identified, leaving a message indicating that we did not have enough information to identify the problem.
Example timeline:
- Mar 20, Initial request for more information sent by an editor
- Mar 24, no response to initial inquiry, reminder sent
- Mar 28, no response to reminder, problem closed "Not Identified"
Last but certainly not least, when in doubt, ask for a second opinion. A second set of eyes may help you identify an issue you missed.
Additional guidance and tips on UR resolution can also be found at the USA Update Requests page. Note that this page including timelines timelines and ownership guidance supersedes any specific UR rules on the USA page.
Sample URC-E settings for above timeline
Erreur lors de la création de la vignette : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination