Some properties have been left out as these do not contribute to the understanding of the Waze object model.
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON LineString |
geographical representation of the line describing this segment
fromNodeID, toNodeID |
integer |
reference to the node this segment is connected to at the start/end
virtualNodeIDs |
array[integer] |
list of references to nodes of walking segments connecting to this segment
primaryStreetID |
integer |
reference to the street set as primary name
streetIDs |
array[integer] |
list with references to alternative streets assigned to this segment
junctionID |
integer, optional |
reference to the junction this segment is a part of
fwdDirection, revDirection |
boolean |
whether or not this segment can be traversed in the forward/reverse direction
fwdMaxSpeed, revMaxSpeed |
integer, optional |
the speed limit in the forward/reverse direction on the segment
restrictions |
array[object], optional |
a list of restrictions for one or more vehicle types in one or more time periods
fwdToll, revToll |
boolean |
whether or not toll is levied in the forward/reverse direction of the segment
level |
integer |
indication of height compared to other segments (0 = Ground)
lockRank |
integer |
minimum level required for a user to modify this segment
roadType |
integer |
the type of road this segment describes (street, primary street, minor highway, major highway, ...)
routingRoadType |
integer, optional |
this attribute overrides the road type for navigation purposes
createdBy, updatedBy |
integer |
reference to the user who created/last updated this segment
createdOn, updatedOn |
integer |
timestamp indicating when this segment was created/last updated
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Point |
geographical representation of the line describing this node
segIDs |
array[integer] |
a list of segments that connect to this node
connections |
array[object] |
a list of allowed connections between segments containing:
- the turn instruction override
- whether the turn should be considered a difficult turn or not
- the vehicle restrictions and/or time restrictions for that connection
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
name |
string |
name in local language
englishName |
string, optional |
alternative version of the street name in English
cityID |
integer, optional |
reference to the city of this street
signText |
string, optional |
text to show on a road badge
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Point |
geographical representation of the line describing this node
name |
string |
name in local language
englishName |
string, optional |
alternative version of the city in English
countryID |
integer |
reference to the country of this city
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
name |
string |
name in local language
abbr |
string |
abbreviation used for this country
leftHandTraffic |
boolean |
whether or not traffic rides on the left in this country
env |
string |
which server environment this country belongs to (ROW, NA, or IL)
ttsLocales |
array[object] |
list of text-to-speech engines enabled for this country
allowAverageSpeedCameras |
boolean |
whether users may add average speed cameras in this country
allowAverageSpeedCamerasRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add average speed cameras in this country
allowHeadlightsReminder |
boolean |
whether users may add headlight reminders in this country
allowHeadlightsReminderRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add headlight reminders in this country
allowSpeedCams |
boolean |
whether users may add speed cameras in this country
allowCamerasRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add speed cameras in this country
allowHeadlightsReminderRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add headlight reminders in this country
allowRoadClosureRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add road closures in this country
forceHouseNumberRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to force house numbers in this country
allowNewCitiesRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to add new cities in this country
updateJunctionBoxRank |
integer |
minimum rank needed for users to update junction boxes in this country
Road Closure
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
reason |
string |
textual explanation why this closure has been added
segID |
integer |
reference to the segment that is affected by this closure
forward |
boolean |
indicates in which direction the closure is active (a two-way closure is stored as two one-way closures)
startDate |
date |
date + hours from when this road closure becomes active
endDate |
date |
date + hours until when this road closure stays active
eventId |
integer, optional |
reference to a major traffic event
createdBy, updatedBy |
integer |
reference to the user who created/last updated this road closure
createdOn, updatedOn |
integer |
timestamp indicating when this road closure was created/last updated
permanent |
boolean |
whether this road closure should take into account nearby traffic flows to disable itself
Major Traffic Event
Attribute |
Type |
id |
string |
identification number
names |
array[name] |
the list of localized names (the presence of an English name is mandatory)
startDate |
string |
the day this major traffic event starts on
endDate |
string |
the day this major traffic event ends on
category |
string |
the category under which this major traffic event is added
cityID |
integer, optional |
reference to the city to which this event is assigned
contributors |
array[integer] |
references to the users who have added one or more of the affected road closures
partners |
array[integer] |
the list of Waze Event Partners involved in creating this event
url |
string, optional |
a link to the web page explaining the event
uniqueName |
string |
a shortened name that will be used in the Waze Event Page URL ({uniqueName})
ready |
boolean |
whether all mandatory fields have been filled in and at least one road closure has been connected
published |
boolean |
whether this event has been submitted and has become visible on the MTE overview page
tweetText |
string |
text to be used in the announcement tweet
tweetText |
string |
text to be used in the announcement tweet (Waze Event Partners only)
twitterAccountUrls |
array[string] |
the list of Twitter accounts that will be tweeting about this event (Waze Event Partners only)
createdBy, updatedBy |
integer |
reference to the user who created/last updated this event
createdOn, updatedOn |
integer |
timestamp indicating when this event was created/last updated
House Number
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Point |
the location of the house number
number |
string |
the house number
isLeft |
boolean |
whether the house number is located on the left of the segment (following the house numbers in a descending order(?))
side |
[1, 2] |
whether the house number is located on the left of the segment (following the segment from start to end)
closestSegment |
segment |
reference to the segment located closest to this house number
updatedBy |
integer |
reference to the user who last updated this house number
forced |
boolean |
whether or not the position of this house number was forced by the user (usually it didn't follow the incremental order)
fractionPoint |
GeoJSON Point |
the geographical location on the closest segment where users should be routed to when navigating to this house number
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Point |
the geographic center of the junction
segIDs |
array[integer] |
the list of segments included in this junction
Big Junction
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Polygon |
polygon indicating the boundary of the junction box
cityID |
integer |
reference to the city this junction is located in
name |
string, optional |
the name assigned to the junction box
lock |
integer |
minimum level required to edit this junction box
segIDs |
array[integer] |
the list of segments included in this junction
createdOn, updatedOn |
integer |
timestamp indicating when this road closure was created/last updated
Attribute |
Type |
id |
integer |
identification number
geometry |
GeoJSON Point |
point indicating the location of the venue
name |
string |
the name of the venue
aliases |
array[string] |
the list of alternative names for this venue
streetID |
integer |
reference to the street
houseNumber |
string |
the house number of this venue
phone |
string, optional |
the telephone number of this venue
url |
string, optional |
the URL of the website of this venue
categories |
array[string] |
the list of categories this venue belongs to
approved |
boolean |
whether this place has been approved after having been added by a new editor
brand |
string |
the name of the brand of this place (usually used for petrol stations)
description |
string |
a textual description of the venue
residential |
boolean |
whether this venue is residential (only visible to users if navigating to that specific address)
entryExitPoints |
array[object] |
a list of points that indicate entry and exit points for this venue
externalProviderIDs |
array[object] |
a list of identifiers that refer to external sources, such as Google Places
adLocked |
boolean |
whether this place has been locked for editing due to a running advertisement campaign
images |
array[object] |
the list of images connected to this venue
services |
array[object] |
the list of services available at this venue
openingHours |
array[object] |
the list of opening hours of this venue
venueUpdateRequests |
array[object] |
the list of venue update requests pertaining to this venue
lockRank |
integer |
the minimum editing rank necessary to make changes to this venue
createdOn, updatedOn |
integer |
timestamp indicating when this venue was created/updated
createdBy, updatedBy |
integer |
reference to the user who last created/updated this venue