Roads are build by segments in WME. These segments can contain a lot of extra information. When selecting one or more segments, 3 tabs will be available in the left menu: General, Closures, and Lanes. On this page, the properties of road segments as found in general tab are briefly described, with links to in-depth info if available.
Clicking on the address field shows 3 fields: Street, City, and Country. For most road types both Street and City name should be specified, or the checkbox None should be marked.
The country field is normally prefilled with the proper country name, but more are available in border areas.
Alternative name
If a (primary) street name is given, an alternative name can be attributed as well. This can be the same street name with a different city name, or a different street name (with same or different city name). In case of a street in a border area, with adresses in multiple countries, see ???.
Behind the street name you'll see a loudspeaker where you can test the pronounciation of the given name (Text to Speech - TTS). Note that we often use abbreviations in the street names to shorten the length. See the page on TTS for details.
More info on naming:
Road type
A very important aspect, see Road types
Road type attributes
Directly under the road type are check boxes with extra attributes (add picture).
Used for roads that are unpaved, but well drivable. Can be attributed to every road type. For roads that are badly maintained and (often) not drivable with a normal car, use the road type Off-road / Not_maintained.
The app has a setting for using Unpaved roads. The default is "Don't allow". Other values are "Allow" and "Avoid long ones".
Check this box if the road goes underground or under water.
- About 20m before entrance and after exit, create a new junction node
- Mark the checkbox for tunnel on the part that physically goes underground
- Elevation should be set to -1 (or lower if necessary)
Headlights required
The headlight warning is given each time in the app when a route is started that passes a segment with Headlight required checked. This warning only makes sense in the few countries for which this warning was developed. Better leave this attribute unchecked.??
Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane
Only used when a road is next to a lane that is used by different kind of traffic with different speed, like a bus lane. HOV is a type of road in the US where only some cars may drive, not applicable in Belgium.
Optional unfavored-neutral-preferred
See Restrictions
Here you specify the driving direction of the road. Two-way or one-way. Define one-way by the letters showing in the nodes if a segment is selected (A>B or B>A).
Speed Limit
While updating the roads, you may as well check the speed limits (SLs). Please check if there are existing SLs and make sure not to override them. More info on the page Speed limit.
Average Speed Cameras
Next to the speed limit fields, you can check the boxes for Average Speed Camera (ASC). If an ASC zone starts or ends in the middle of an existing segment, create a new junction node. If the start/end is approximately 20m from an existing node, this is not necessary.
When ASC are placed, but they are not yet operational, use dummy camera's for the time being. .
Roads that need more protection because of special situations (construction, complicated design, frequent editing errors) may be locked higher. If you need to edit a road above your editing level, ask an unlock. Read more at Locks
Elevation levels should be conform how they are in reality.
Select entire street
Clicking this box will select all segments with the same street (and city) name. Shortkey Ctrl+A
Edit housenumbers
To enter or change House numbers.
Other road properties
The length of a (saved) segment is shown here in rounded meters. A segment should not be shorter than 6 meters.
You can find the last editor here, together with the date the segment was changed. The creation date and name may not always been shown due to import.
The ID of the segment is important. For example, it is part of a permalink when you include a segment. When you make changes to a segment such as splitting it, or changing the driving direction, the ID might change and traffic info can be lost. Also, after changing the ID, you can not set a closure until after the next map update.
View History
In the history you see some global info about the last changes. Also recent closures are listed here.