Wiki Translation
Wiki Translate Extension
The translation of our BeLux Wiki pages is done with the help of the Translate extension.
- BeLux Wiki pages that start with the "languages" tag show in the language selection bar the available language versions.
- The base text of each page, that needs translation, is enclosed in translate tags..
- The extension splits the indicated base text into paragraph sized units and creates a message group for them. One page would be one message group, where, in the simplest form, each paragraph would be one message in that group.
- You can have links automatically go to the user's preferred language version (only) when it exists, by using links of the form a page link with Special:MyLanguage/Pagename.
Translation process
- Stable pages are marked for translation by the Translation administrator. You can request a page marked for translation via the Slack #43-bl_wazeopedia channel. The Wiki page Page translation lists the pages to be marked for translation and the pages that are currently in translation.
- Page with this text should be marked again for translation.
Translate this page; This page has changes since it was last marked for translation.
- clik on the marked for translation. and click the button Mark this version for translation at the botom of the page.
Translate a page
- Select a page marked for translation to translate. The page will display in top centered the text "Translate this page". Click this text.
- A window is displayed with "Message group All > plus the page title. Select the target language via the drop down list that is available top right hand side of the window.
- Click on each message group box and translate the text. Click Save translation when done.
- Do this for all message group boxes.
- After saving your translation the page is available in the target language.
- Click the Review button, via the pencil icon, available if you hover the cursor over the translated text, you can still make changes to the translated text.
To keep track of which page is translated and which pages are still to go please use the Page Translation Google doc.