Slack© is our most used communication platform, maintained by the community. It is a good starting point for finding more information. You can meet other editors, read the latest information, learn from discussions, or ask a question. Slack can be used via browser, browser app or mobile app. You can join several teams and switch easily between them. Please feel welcome to join Belux Slack.
In Slack there are several Channels, Private groups, and you can send Direct Messages (DM) as well. The general channel is an announcement channel, only administrators can post a message there. You can however add emoticons.
The channels are divided by subject. Public channels can be viewed and joined by clicking on the + behind "Channels" in the menu left. In the mobile app, to reach the menu, click on the logo top left.
Closure channels
If you need a road to be closed, you can request it in one of the following channels:
- #30-vl_closures for closures in the Dutch part of Belgium (Flanders)
- #30-fr_fermetures for closures in the French part of Belgium (Wallonia) and Luxembourg
- #30-bl_closures-bxl for closures in Brussels
With a script (WME-send-to-slack) you can send a request directly from WME into one of these channels. The channels are also fed by the Closures Bot providing information about closures set by users.
How to use it
Slack is rather intuitive, but to make the most of it, we have some tips 'n trics especially for the Wazer. You can ask Slackbot for help using triggers like -permalink, and Slackbot will reply with information on how to make a Permalink. See an overview of all triggers typing "-help".
Slack in Waze Colors
You can adjust Slack's display via Preferences > Themes.
- click on your name
- click Preferences
- choose Themes
- Change the color scheme
To adapt the display in Waze theme, you can paste one of these color schemes:
Light: #93C4D3,#FFFFFF,#93C4D3,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#173C4C,#66CC33,#173C4C,#93C4D3,#173C4C
Dark: #1A1D21,#FFFFFF,#173C4C,#FFFFFF,#173C4C,#93C4D3,#66CC33,#93C4D3,#1A1D21,#93C4D3