This is a list of all the users who have volunteered to manage a state or region of Australia, as well as links to their editor profiles.
Whole Country
New South Wales
- TimAThing (Level 4)
- inflexionEstrian (Level 4)
- LostInMyMaps (Level 3)
Australian Capital Territory
- KambingTinggi (Level 4) (see note below)
- theclem54 (Level 5)
- BTStar (Level 4)
- Traveling_Gav (Level 4)
- GarvinGray (Level 3)
- TimAThing (Level 4)
- inflexionEstrian (Level 4)
- GeoffBrownSpeedy7 (Level 3)
Western Australia
- BTStar (Level 4)
- Note:
Area Managers who manage New South Wales also have the Australian Capital Territory in their area. However, please defer to local managers for any questions before asking NSW state managers.