Abbreviations and Acronyms View history

Revision as of 13:18, 14 July 2015 by TimAThing (talk | contribs) (Update table with just single proposed abbreviation)


The Abbreviations and acronyms is intended to be a mainstream list for Waze, but it is currently being updated offline.

UPDATE NOTE: The newest (July 2015) TTS voices now allow per-country standard abbreviation lists. This list will be provided to Waze so that TTS can be set to reflect this list.

Other Abbreviations

Prefixes, directional abbreviations and other (non-suffix) abbreviations should not be used, except for state/ territory abbreviations & country abbreviations; under ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.

1. Prefix abbreviations such as Mount (Mt.) Note: Mount (Mt.) is not the same as Mountain (Mtn.).

  • Although they are common, can cause issues as variation and overlap exists between naming, usage, and prefix standards (I.e. What words to, and how to, abbreviate).
  • Therefore a lake named "Lake Clair" would not be abbreviated, while if its documented name was "Clair Lake" it would be.
  • "St " at the start of a suburb name is part of the legal name. It should not be expanded to "Saint".
  • "St " (meaning "Saint") as part of the street name should be shown as "St. " with the trailing full stop to cause it to be correctly pronounced by the TTS.

2. Directional abbreviations include: East (E), South West (SW), Central (CN), Upper (UP), and Lower (LR).

  • These abbreviations should not be abbreviated.
  • In addition to not being abbreviated, directions should only be included when they are a part of the documented name, and not a suffix or prefix added at a later stage to describe location or orientation/ direction.
  • The street type should still be abbreviated e.g. "Smith Ln East" is correct; "Smith Lane East" or "Smith Ln E" are not.

3. Other abbreviations include: Island (Is.), Quay (Qy), Reserve (Res) and Tunnel (Tunl).

  • These are acceptable to be used when they are a suffix, but not acceptable when they are place names.
  • Therefore "King-Tunnel Road" should have tunnel spelt in full, as it refers to a tunnel. While "Queen Tunnel-Road" could have tunnel abbreviated, as tunnel refers to the type of roadway, and is a part of the suffix.
  • Likewise an Island named "Island Island" would be abbreviated to Island Is.

4. The exception to the above is abbreviations for states and or territories; and countries with their three character abbreviation. These contain correct punctuation. Other regions do not fall under this category.

  • For example: California would be abbreviated to C.A. not CA and Victoria to VIC.
  • Country abbreviations are done under "ISO 3166-1 alpha-3". Further information can be found on Wikipedia. (ISO 3166:)
  • Other regions include that of Suburbs, Districts, Localities, Shires and special purpose areas. (I.e. Indigenous, Military and Airport areas.)

Measurement Suffix Abbreviations

Suffix name Standard abbreviation
Kilometre/ kilometer km
Metre/ meter m

Standard Suffix Abbreviations


1. Only abbreviate suffixes.

  • "The Avenue", "The Green ", and etc. should not be abbreviated.
  • "Circuit Avenue Road" would be abbreviated to Circuit Avenue Rd and not "Cct Ave Rd"
  • A road named "Service way" should not be abbreviated, while "Pipeline Service way" should be.

2. Suffix abbreviations do not contain any punctuation, such as "." (Full-stops) or "-" (Hyphens).

3. In the event that the original suffix is a plural (I.e contains a "s" at the end) and only its singular form is present as an abbreviation, simply add an "s" to the end of the abbreviation.

Suffix name Standard abbreviation Comment
Access Accs
Alley Ally
Alleyway Alwy
Amble Ambl
Anchorage Ancg Unofficial?
Annex Anx Unofficial?
Approach App
Arcade Arc
Artery Art
Avenue Ave
Basin Basn
Bayou Byu Unofficial?
Beach Bch
Bend Bend
Block Blk
Bluff Blf Unofficial?
Bottom Btm Unofficial? Is this needed?
Boulevard Bvd
Brace Brce
Brae Brae
Branch Br Unofficial?
Break Brk
Bridge Bdge
Broadway Bdwy
Brow Brow
Burg Bg Unofficial? Is this needed?
Bypass Bypa
Byway Bywy
Canyon Cyn Unofficial?
Cape Cape
Causeway Caus
Centre/ Center Ctr
Centreway/ Centerway Cnwy
Chase Ch
Circle Cir
Circlet Clt
Circuit Cct
Circus Crcs
Cliff Clf Unofficial?
Close Cl
Colonnade Clde
Common Cmmn
Concourse Con
Copse Cps
Corner Cnr
Corso Cso
Course Crse Unofficial?
Court Ct
Courtyard Ctyd
Cove Cove
Creek Crk Unofficial?
Crescent Cres
Crest Crst
Cross Crss
Crossing Crsg
Crossroad Crd
Crossway Cowy
Cruiseway Cuwy
Cul-De-Sac Cds
Cutting Cttg
Dale Dale
Dell Dell
Deviation Devn
Dip Dip
Distributor Dstr
Divide Dv Unofficial?
Drive Dr
Driveway Drwy
Edge Edge
Elbow Elb
End End
Entrance Ent
Esplanade Esp
Estate Est
Expressway Exp
Extension Extn
Fairway Fawy
Fire Track Ftrk
Firetrail Fitr
Flat Flat
Follow Folw
Footway Ftwy
Foreshore Fshr
Formation Form
Freeway Fwy
Front Frnt
Frontage Frtg
Gap Gap
Garden Gdn
Gardens Gdns
Gate Gte
Gates Gtes
Glade Gld
Glen Glen
Grange Gra
Green Grn
Ground Grnd
Grove Gr
Gully Gly
Heights Hts
Highroad Hrd
Highway Hwy
Hill Hill
Interchange Intg
Intersection Intn
Junction Jnc
Key Key
Landing Ldg
Lane Lane Ln is deprecated by IP Australia
Laneway Lnwy
Lees Lees
Line Line
Link Link
Little Lt
Lookout Lkt
Loop Loop
Lower Lwr
Mall Mall
Meadow Mdw Unofficial?
Meander Mndr
Mew Mew
Mews Mews
Motorway Mwy
Mount Mt
Mountain Mtn Unofficial?
Nook Nook
Orchard Orch Unofficial?
Outlook Otlk
Overpass Opas Unofficial?
Parade Pde
Park Park Pk deprecated by IP Australia
Parklands Pkld
Parkway Pkwy
Part Part
Pass Pass P
Passage Psge Unofficial?
Path Path Path
Pathway Phwy
Piazza Piaz
Pike Pke Unofficial? Remove?
Place Pl
Plain Pln Unofficial?
Plateau Plat
Plaza Plza
Pocket Pkt
Point Pnt
Port Port
Promenade Prom
Quad Quad
Quadrangle Qdgl
Quadrant Qdrt
Quay Qy
Quays Qys
Radial Radl Unofficial? Is this needed?
Ramble Rmbl
Ramp Ramp
Ranch Rnch Unofficial?
Range Rnge
Rapid Rpd Unofficial?
Reach Rch
Reserve Res
Rest Rest
Retreat Rtt
Ride Ride
Ridge Rdge
Ridgeway Rgwy
Right Of Way Rowy
Ring Ring
Rise Rise
River Rvr
Riverway Rvwy
Riviera Rvra
Road Rd
Roadside Rdsd
Roadway Rdwy
Ronde Rnde
Rosebowl Rsbl
Rotary Rty
Round Rnd
Route Rte
Row Row
Rue Rue
Run Run
Service Way Swy
Shoal Shl Unofficial?
Shore Shr Unofficial?
Skyway Skwy Unofficial?
Siding Sdng
Slope Slpe
Sound Snd
Spring Spg Unofficial? Is this needed?
Spur Spur
Square Sq
Stairs Strs
Station Sta
State Highway Shwy
Steps Stps
Strand Stra
Stream Strm Unofficial?
Street St
Strip Strp
Subway Sbwy
Summit Smt Unofficial? Is this needed?
Tarn Tarn
Terrace Tce
Thoroughfare Thor
Throughway Thwy Unofficial?
Tollway Tlwy
Top Top
Tor Tor
Towers Twrs
Track Trk
Trafficway Trfy Unofficial? Is this needed?
Trail Trl Trl
Trailer Trlr
Triangle Tri
Trunkway Tkwy
Tunnel Tunl Unofficial?
Turn Turn
Turnpike Tpk Unofficial? Is this needed?
Underpass Upas
Upper Upr
Vale Vale
Valley Vly Unofficial?
Viaduct Vdct Vdct
View View
Villa Vll
Village Vlg Unofficial?
Villas Vlls
Ville Vl Unofficial? Is this needed?
Vista Vsta
Wade Wade
Walk Walk
Walkway Wkwy
Water Wtr Unofficial?
Way Way
Wharf Whrf
Wynd Wynd
Yard Yard

Further Reading

Please refer to the following Waze forum for a "Work in progress" list of abbreviations that are being tested, currently available, and proposed: