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Update Requests
An Update Request (UR) is a Map Issue reported by a user from the Waze client app. It is also a layer in the Map Editor. See update requests for more information.
In Virginia we have adopted at 1/4/8 system for response to Update Requests. 1/4/8 is the short way of explaining the following.
Day 1
Within 24 hours (1 day) after an Update Request has been submitted, an editor needs to provide a response to the Update Request to get the process started.
Day 4
If the reporter has not commented back within the 4 days following the initial comment a message should be sent reminding the reporter that we need more information about the problem they encountered to fix the issue.
"If no further information is provided we will be unable to fix the issue you encountered and this report will be closed soon"
Day 8
If the reporter still has not commented after 4 more days (8 days since initial comment) a message should be sent telling the reported that we were unable to fix the problem and this report is being closed. The Update Request then needs to be closed as Not Identified.
"This report is being closed due to lack of information, please submit another report if the issue continues. Happy Wazing!"
In many areas of Virginia there is not only spotty cellphone coverage but often times very little editor coverage. While we would like to have every inch of Virginia covered with a network of editors we know that's not possible or even likely any time soon. The 1/4/8 rule has been set as the standard for areas with active editors and AMs but applies to all of Virginia. That being said use good judgement, in areas with with little or no editor coverage there may be many Update Requests that are greater than 30 or even 60 days old, there is no penalty or negative fancy word here for we wont look down upon you for answering these, quite the opposite. Take the time to send the reporter a message and see if they can remember the issue they had and are willing to provide more information. Often times the editor wont remember or even respond but if they do then they can see that we are doing out best to help them.
"Thank you for your report! I apologize for the late response, we are volunteer editors and in some areas there are not many if any of us. You reported a General Error near 5th street and Main street in Suffolk, VA way back on 8/15/2014. Do you remember what issue you encountered?"