New York/Special roads/Main Discussion View history

Revision as of 04:06, 13 August 2014 by PesachZ (talk | contribs) (formatting, added optional content)

Guidelines that vary by state or territory

The following special roads are managed slightly uniquely in some states and territories. This state uses the following standard guidelines found in the Wiki.


  • Alleys should always be mapped if they have a name.
  • Alleys should always be mapped if they are the sole access to a home or business.
  • Alleys should always be set to "Private"
  • Alleys are normally mapped if they are acknowledged by the municipality.

If an alley does not meet the above criteria, mapping is optional. Leave the name field blank.

Be careful adding alleys which will be closer to the destination pins for house numbers, or from Google, as this can cause all navigation to all the addresses on that block to route onto the alley instead. It may be better not to map these alleys, or you may have to adjust all the address pins to be closer to the actual roads.