This page serves as the primary resource for editors of Indiana. Review all the sections to better understand how the guidelines for this state might deviate from the overall USA or worldwide guidelines. If you have any comments or questions about this page or state refer to the community links below.
All Editors are welcome to join us in the Great Lakes Region Discord Server. By clicking the following link to join a Waze editor Discord Server, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to the Waze Etiquette rules in their entirety. Click here to join.
Indiana is a part of the Great Lakes region, which includes the states and/or territories of:
Before editing the maps in Indiana, be sure to fully review and understand the editing manual.
The Waze user community follows the Waze etiquette guidelines discussed in the Wiki. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these guiding principals while editing the maps and this Wiki, as well as when communicating with other Waze users.
The Waze forum is a great place to find answers to previously asked questions and also a place to ask new ones. Below are links to the forums specific to Indiana.
New editors should consider checking into the formal mentoring program available at no charge.
Great Lakes Region Discord Server
We have created a channel on the Great Lakes discord Server just for Indiana. This is where you can go to interact and chat with fellow editors along with your Area and State Managers. It will give you good insight into the best practices and policies in regard to map editing plus give an easy, convenient way for editors to stay in touch, ask questions (any questions, we all started at Rank #1 at some point), request downlocks or review of your work and get Peer-to-Peer Mentoring.
By clicking the following link to join a Waze editor Discord Server, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to the Waze Etiquette rules in their entirety. Click here to join.
Indiana Editors Reachout
If you send an Outreach message to a new Editor please log that communication into the Indiana Editor Outreach List Google Sheet
Cities and towns
One of the most common errors when editing the maps is when an editor creates a road and does not confirm the road by setting the city and road name (or stating it has none).
State highways that are primarily signed at entering intersections with a State Route number like rather than a road name should be named IN-### ("IN-2").
Locking standard
The following defines a set of minimum locking standards proposed for all roads within Indiana.
Any road of a certain type or category must be locked at least to the level in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.
It is understood that more rural or inactive areas may not yet meet this standard: editors are encouraged to recruit and mentor additional editors to build coverage.
A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US Road Type Standards.
Note: One-way PLRs used outside of parking lots, such as alleys and streets through apartment complexes, should be locked at 2. See the GLR major roads page for additional information on the standards listed here.
Special roads
Drivable roads
Indiana follows the standard USA guidelines for all of the following special road types.
See Indiana/Special roads for guidance in Indiana that may not be universal to all other states and territories.
Roundabout Speed Limits
Indiana deviates from the GLR/National standard here. The Indiana policy is to set the speed limit to the lowest speed limit among the feeder roads for the roundabout
When managing a section of roadway under construction or being closed for a major event, follow the Wiki guidelines on construction zones and Real time closures.
An Update Request (UR) is a Map Issue reported by a user from the Waze client app. It is also a layer in the Map Editor. See update requests for more information.
Team UR Handling
2015-06-06: The Great Lakes Region has standardized on a UR response system after extended discussion in the forum.
NOTE: all day values are relative to the date the FIRST editor response is sent to the reporter.
Response Timeline
Day 0: the first editor who is able to respond to UR should attempt to resolve the UR. If they are successful, they should comment as such in the UR and mark it closed. If more information from the reporter is required to make progress towards closure, a response should be sent to the reporter containing the information needed for resolution
Day 4+: polite reminders should be sent to reporters who have not responded to the initial request for information at any time, provided at least four full days have elapsed since the initial response was sent.
Day 8+: URs may be noted as closed due to lack of reporter response at any time, provided at least four full days have elapsed since the followup message was sent
Shared Ownership:
All editors are considered to have equal ownership of and responsibility for all URs in the Great Lakes Region.
All editors, regardless if they have worked the UR previously, may send any of the responses described above, provided they adhere to the minimum time spacing guidance between responses.
All editors are explicitly encouraged to attempt resolving URs at any point during their lifecycle, even if others happen to be actively working it at the same time
The ideal timeline for UR response is when responses are sent as early as the minimum required time spacing between messages permits; experience has reliably shown that UR response rates are much higher when editors are able to send responses promptly
While strongly recommended, it is not required to send the followup message.
Process Chart
Indiana follows the USA standard for Places. Do not deviate from the guidelines without first obtaining consensus to do so via the state forum linked on this page.
Not every camera-looking device at an intersection is a speed or red light camera. Generally speaking:
a speed camera takes a photograph of a vehicle when it passes by the camera at too high a speed.
a red light camera takes a photograph of a vehicle that enters an intersection after the light is red. In some areas, it takes the photograph when a vehicle is not clear of the intersection some period after the light turns red.
When adding a camera, be sure to review the camera placement recommendations.
Laws regarding speed and red light cameras vary between the states and territories, so be sure to understand the details of camera legality in Indiana.
The Indiana State Constitution does not allow speed / traffic / red light cameras in Indiana. The only cameras allowed by state law are for toll-booth areas only for enforcement of non-payment.
To do list
Many states and territories keep an active list of pending or closed actions that need to be done in the state by the editors. All editors are welcome to contribute to the list of activities.
Functional Classification
According to the Indiana Department of Transportation, Functional Classification is described as the following.
Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Basic to this process is the recognition that individual roads and streets do not serve travel independently in any major way. Rather, most travel involves movement through a network of roads. It becomes necessary then to determine how this travel can be channelized within the network in a logical and efficient manner. Functional classification defines the nature of this channelization process by defining the part that any particular road or street should play in serving the flow of trips through a highway network. (FHWA Functional Classification Guidelines)
The best resource to use for Functional Classification data in Indiana is the Indiana FC layer. Functional Class will show automatically and the base map is already set so you will not see any third party info. All street name information with "Oceans" basemap is safe to use in WME. Please DO NOT change the basemap to another layer with 3rd party copyrighted information.
To see the INDOT FC layer directly in WME you can also install WME FC. Full Credit goes to Mapomatic for designing and publishing this awesome script.
Functional Classification Chart
Refer to this chart to determine the road type of a given paved public road based on the functional class.
To use this chart, first determine the functional class of a road, and whether it is a signed, numbered highway in a particular highway system.
Where the column for the road's highway system and the row for the road's functional class meet, you will find the proper road type for that particular road.
^a When a state highway "SPUR" route is used to connect a state highway with another state highway, a US highway, or an Interstate (i.e., when it is used as a connector/CONN route), use the first state highway column.
For example,
An Interstate Business Loop classified as a Minor Arterial is a Major Highway .
A US Highway classified as a Minor Arterial is a Major Highway .
A US Highway Spur route classified as a Minor Arterial is a Minor Highway .
A State Highway classified as a Collector is a Minor Highway .
A County Route classified as a Minor Arterial is a Minor Highway .
A County Route classified as a Collector is a Primary Street
A locally-maintained road classified as an Other Principal Arterial is a Major Highway .
A locally-maintained road classified as a Collector is a Primary Street .
Major Highway
Minor Highway
Primary Street
^b The following roads shall be classified as Freeway :
All Interstate Highways.
This includes all roads classified in FHWA's functional classification as Interstates.
This includes three-digit Interstate spurs and loops (e.g., I-610; I-585).
This does not include Interstate Business Loops and Business Spurs (e.g., I-69 Business Loop), unless they meet the standards for Other Freeways and Expressways defined below.
Roads classified in FHWA's functional classification as Other Freeways and Expressways which meet the criteria of a controlled-access highway:
No at-grade crossings.
No at-grade intersections.
No direct property access.
No stop lights (except sometimes on ramps).
No stop signs.
Except at the beginning or end of the controlled-access roadway, connected to other roads exclusively by interchanges:
Entrance via ramps only, typically with acceleration zones.
Exit via ramps only, typically with deceleration zones.
Note: Many freeways continue as non-controlled-access roadways; the road should be set as Freeway until the point at which access becomes non-controlled.
Note: Indiana refers to some US-XXX and IN-XXX as Other Fwy or Expwy. Only set these roads to Freeway if they are fully controlled access. If they are NOT fully controlled access Major Highway shall be used.
Area Managers
The table below identifies the editors also designated as Area Managers or higher who are editing in Indiana. If you have any questions, please consider contacting them directly as needed. If you are an Area Manager that covers Indiana, or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in Indiana, please add yourself to this list (alphabetical by username) in the correct rank section.
The editor who also serves as the Regional Coordinator for Indiana is automatically listed at the top of the table. That editor may not be highly active in this state and therefore may not be listed separately in the table.
Large Area Managers (LAM) help manage large sections of the state working with the local Area Managers. You can also reach out to them for assistance. A map of the areas they coordinate is below.
Indiana — Area, State, Country Managers, and Regional Coordinators
The following editors are also editing in the state and may be working towards an Area Manager position. Feel free to contact them for assistance in their respective areas.