Iowa Discussion View history

Revision as of 01:51, 14 February 2015 by Kentsmith9 (talk | contribs) (Added template for Updating to new State template)
This page has not been updated to the new State template. If you are an editor in this state, consider helping your fellow editors in the state by upgrading this page to the new template. If you want to learn more, come to the forum on the State template suite to ask questions or get assistance.

Note - this is just an example - please edit wiki page source code for your town

Want to help out with the map in Iowa? Below is a list of projects that need to be done. Please see Waze Map Editor & Editing Best Practices for a starting point on how to edit the map.

When you are done, please update the info & turn the background gray. If you need help see How to edit wiki pages. Sounds scary but it's easy just watch this short video.

To Do List

Area/Route Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
US-63 TBD 01/27/2013 TBD US-63 at 230th Ave Permalink
Utica Ridge Rd, Bettendorf sixthdimension 5/5/2014 Construction Zone Utica Ridge Rd has been set to Private Road type to only allow local traffic, not thru traffic. Permalink until 11/21/2014