Acrónimos Ver histórico

Publicado: 18.ago.2018‎ | Editado: 18.ago.2020

Acrónimos e os seus significados

Na listagem abaixo constam aqueles que são os acrónimos relacionados com o Waze, os quais frequentemente se encontraram mencionados em várias páginas da presente Wazeopedia.

Tal listagem visa apoiar o editor a contextualizar-se naquele que for o conteúdo da página da Wazeopedia em causa.

Acrónimos ingleses

AA - Android Auto
AC - Advanced Closures
AGC - At-Grade Connectors
AM - Area Manager
Cargo atribuído a um Editor que assume a responsabilidade da edição, gestão e manutenção do mapa numa determinada área geográfica
ASR - Automatic Speech Recognition
Capacidade de um dispositivo inteligente converter comandos de voz em ações no dispositivo
BC - Best Continueation
BDP - Big Detour Prevention
BDPM - Big Detour Prevention Mechanism
CAR - Community Action Request
CAV - Clean Air Vehicle
CC - Center Code / Country Coordinator
CCP - Connected Citizens Program
CH - Color Highlighter
CM - Country Manager
DM - Direct Message
DPM - Detour Prevention Mechanism
EC - Emeritus Champ
ESCM - Emeritus Staff Community Manager
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ - Frequently Asqued Question
FM - Formal Mentoring
FW - Freeway
Fwy - Freeway
FY - Ferry
GC - Global Champ
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
GPS - Global Positioning System
GSV - Google Street View
HC - Help Center
HQ - Head Quarters
HM - Hazardous Materials
HN - House Numbers
HO - Google Hangouts
HoF - Hall Of Fame
HOT - High Occupancy Toll
HOV - High Occupancy Vehicle
HRCS - Highest Rank of Connected Segments
IGN - Editores contratados por Waze
IM - Informal Mentoring
JAI - Junction Angle Info
JB - Junction Box
JNF - Junction Node Fixer
JSG - Junction Style Guide
LC - Local Champ
LM - Live Map
LP - License Plate
MC - Map Comment
MH - Major Highway
mH - Minor Highway
MMR - Mega Map Raid
MP - Map Problem
MR - Map Raid
MTE - Major Traffic Events
NA - North America
PB - Pedestrian Boardwalk
PL - Permalink
PLA - Parking Lot Area
PLR - Parking Lot Road
PM - Private Message
POI - Point Of Interest
PR - Private Road
PS - Primary Street
PUDO - Pick Up & Drop Off
PUR - Place Update Request
RA - Roundabout
RBS - Routing Beta Server
RC - Regional Coordinator / Release Candidate
RevCon - Reverse Connectivity
RLC - Red Light Camera
ROW - Rest Of World
RPP - Residential Point Place
RR - Rail Road
RTC - Real Time Closures
RTSE - Real Time Search Engine
RW - Runway
SB - Scoreboard
SCM - Staff Community Manager
SDP - Small Detour Prevention
SDPM - Small Detour Prevention Mechanism
Seg - Segment
SelfCon - Self Connectivity
SL - Speed Limit
SLUR - Speed Limit Update Request
SM - Self Management / State Manager
SPUI - Single Point Urban Interchange
SRS - Selected Roundabout Segments
ST - Street
SV - Google Street View
SW - Stairway
TB - Toolbox
TbCC - Toolbox Country Coordinator
TBR - Time Based Restrictions
TBSR - Time Based Segment Restrictions
TBTR - Time Based Turn Restrictions
TIO - Turn Instruction Overrides
TL - Traffic Locks
TR - Turn Restriction
TTS - Text To Speech
TW - Taxiway
ULM - User Level Monitor
UR - Update Request
URO - Update Report Overview
VAO - Vehículos de Alta Ocupación (HOV)
WEEC - Waze Equipo Especial Cierres
WF - Wayfinder
WME - Waze Map Editor
WMECH - Waze Map Editor Color Highlighter
WMETB - Waze Map Editor Toolbox
WSV - Waze Street View
WT - Walking Trail
WoW - Waze Outediting Week
WWP - Waze White Pages

Acrónimos portugueses

PN - Passagem de Nível