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Welcome and first of all thank you for your intention to help Waze in Malaysia even more by requesting to become an Area Manager.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by requesting you to follow a couple of requirements outlined below but the main reason is that we (as the mapping community of Waze in Malaysia) want to maintain the same level of map quality across the whole country.

That requires everyone who helps out on improving the map quality to follow our agreed guidelines which are 99% following the official Waze guidelines (with some minor local changes).

Requirements to become an Area Manager

  • Lead the area by the quality of your work and strictly following the guidelines agreed. Educate other users in your area to what the guidelines are, give them proper feedback as to what and how they can improve their map editing. Thus become a role model as Area Manager is a honorary job at Waze!
  • Show your seniority by having enough map edits done. What number of map edits is enough will be judged by the committee of the most senior editors in Malaysia that will take a look at your map editing work so far. Therefore highlight to us where exactly you worked already!
  • Stay active, that means you should be able to check for update requests, unlock requests and map errors for your area and solve them as to how much time you can invest. Becoming inactive for 3 months will mean that you're being excluded from the list of active Area Managers!
  • A valid and working email address should be provided so that you can be contacted at all times. It's a requirement to organize work from time to time or to update each other on changes to the guideline, help requests, etc.
  • If you're a Facebook user then you should join our "Waze in Malaysia" Facebook group where all most recent version of guidelines are kept, like "Classification of Roads in Malaysia", "Naming of cities" etc. It's also a very active group where unlock request are posted best and all kinds of topics can be discussed (as long as they're Waze related). Follow this link to join in.

Steps to apply for AM (Area Manager)

1) Post your request in this forum only, it's specifically set up for this purpose. Posting somewhere else can mean it will be overlooked

2) State the following information in your post (please do copy the template at the end of the post):

  • Your Waze Username
  • Your real name
  • Date when you joined Waze
  • Number of edits so far (can be seen in your scoreboard)
  • Area that you want to take over (copy the Permalink showing only for the area that you want to take over, use zoom and the mouse to move to the right rectangle)
  • Another Permalink showing most of your editing work, again use zoom to highlight only where you edited

3) We will contact you within the next couple of days and ask you for your email address, please DO NOT post email addresses here in this forum (to avoid exposure of your email address). Be assured that your email is only used for the purposes explained above.

4) We will give you feedback with the following possible outcomes:

  • Grant of your AM request
  • Request to continue to edit some more and re-apply when reaching a certain number of edits

We will give you feedback on your map editing so far, please do take especially suggestions on areas to improve as our way to bring you up to a standard AM quality.

Once you're granted Area Manager please put your name and area on this Google Map.

Lastly please do understand that all of us for on those AM requests are volunteers and not affiliated with Waze at all. We're enthusiastic users and big fans of Waze, we do want the best map quality in Malaysia for all users and we need enthusiastic new guys like you to help us out make Waze even better.



Template to use for applying

  • Waze Username:
  • Real Name:
  • Date joined:
  • Number of map edits so far:
  • Area to take over as Area Manager (Permalink):
  • Area that you've already edited (Permalink):
  • Additional comments: