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'''<big>Priority of setting speed limit (SL) for the segments are as follows:</big>'''
'''<big>Priority of setting speed limit (SL) for the segments are as follows:</big>'''

Wersja z 12:36, 19 sty 2018

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Ten artykuł lub sekcja jest nieprzetłumaczony. Możesz pomóc Wazeopedii Polska przetłumaczyć go.

Priority of setting speed limit (SL) for the segments are as follows:

  1. Visible signage of the speed limit has the highest priority. If the road has various speed limits, we may apply the relative speed limit at the point where the speed limit signboard is located.
  2. Under contruction in work zones speed limit signage should not be mapped.
  3. If there's no visible signage, then the speed limit before or after the same type of segment that has speed limit can be applied for use onto this road.
  4. If the current road (A -> B) has no speed limit but the opposite road (B -> A) of the same name and type has speed limit signage, we may apply the opposite speed limit to the current road.
  5. If the road has no visible signage but a nearby road of the same type with similar layout/criteria has the speed limit, then we may 'borrow' this speed limit.
  6. If no speed limit signage around to be applied for reference, not even before and after the segment, then we shall follow the recommended speed limit from "No visible speed limit signage"
  7. Ramps without speed limit signage to leave the speed limit as blank.
  8. Recommended SL for “No visible speed limit signage” is merely a SUGGESTIVE speed limit and should not be an absolute guide, Waze or any of its associated parties will not take responsibility from issues arising from it. When in conflicts, the actual/updated speed limit by Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia shall be the primary reference.

Type of Segment No Visible Speed Limit Signage (Km/H)
Freeway 110
Major Highways 90
Minor Highways 80
Primary Roads 50
Streets / AT-grade turns 40
On/Off Ramps / Private / Dirt Trail Not Applicable
School Area : Streets 30
U-turns 30
Roundabout Leave Blank
Segments to be marked 1 km approaching and leaving toll booth 60