This page contains information related to editing Waze maps in the USA Southeast Region which includes Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It takes precedence over any more geographically localized state-level sub-pages to ensure regional unity and consistency. Your regional coordinators are driving79 (RC) and itzwolf (ARC). Questions regarding this information should be addressed to the Southeast Regional Coordinators or the State Managers.
To get in contact with the Southeast editors please use this link to join the Southeast Region Editors on Discord!
US Southeast is our Waze forum.
This page is maintained by the Key Southeast Region Editors and moderated by driving79 (RC) and itzwolf (ARC). Please see section on Proposed Wazeopedia Changes for submission protocol. Southeast map editors are encouraged to add/modify their own information in the Key Southeast Region Editors table below. All editors should be intimately familiar with Best Editing Practices.
SER Meetup 2019 ……………….. SER Meetup 2018 ……………….. SER Meetup 2017 ……………….. SER Meetup 2016
Additionally, important links and materials for all Southeast editors are available at:
Southeast's Important Links Page.
States, Counties and Localities
WME Counties Alabama Census 2014
- Overview: There are 426 municipalities and 67 counties in the state. The primary urban centers are Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery (state capitol), and Huntsville, all pierced by or nearby the I-65 corridor. The toll system is Freedom Pass. Alabama is in the Central time zone.
- Overview: There are 473 municipalities and 67 counties in the state. Orlando and neighboring Lake Buena Vista endure the most editing and map reports due to their popularity as global tourist destinations. The toll system is "Sunpass" (toll rates) and it is near impossible to travel anywhere in Florida from Orlando southward without encountering it. Outside of Florida, it is compatible with the NC QuickPass, and the GA PeachPass (see below). Florida spans the Eastern and Central time zones, with the dividing line at the Apalachicola River west of Tallahassee.
- Disney World: Disney World has been edited and locked to rank 5 for segments and rank 6 for areas/points. If you see an issue anywhere in Disney World, please post it to the unlock request forum, or alert a rank 5 or 6 editor with the problem and it will be fixed.
- Overview: There are 523 municipalities and 159 counties in the state. The toll system is PeachPass and is primarily found on HOV lanes in metro Atlanta. Some HOV lanes require PeachPass. Outside of Georgia, it is compatible with the FL Sunpass, and the NC QuickPass. Georgia is in the Eastern time zone. There are also HOT lanes that are High Occupancy Toll lanes. The is a minimum of 3 people required to be in the vehicle and you must have the PeachPass. Toll prices vary based on traffic flow and the distance you are traveling. There are access areas marked by striped lines as opposed to solid lines. The lanes are monitored by numerous cameras and by local police. The busier the traffic, the more you pay. Prices are listed on overhead electronic signs.
Road (Segment) Types
Determining road types in the Southeast aligns with the Waze USA Standard for freeway, major highway, minor highways, and primary streets. The Waze USA standard is a hybrid system based on a national standard called "functional classification" with a few modifications.
Functional classification maps are available for most states. Compliance across state borders is important to insure better route selections between states; however, editors in some states have deferred adoption of the USA Standard due to in-state concerns. If you edit in any region than the Southeast, you must comply with that state's recommendations.
Although the Waze USA Standard permits some road-type selection deviation, at present no Southeast deviations are permitted, but may be in the future.
Minimum Road Type Standards
- Interstate = Freeway
- US Hwy = Major Highway (MH)
- State Roads = Minor Highway (mH)
Road Segment Naming
- Interstates: I-xx
- US Hwy: US-xx
- State Road/Rte/Hwy: SR-xx
- County Rte/Hwy: CR-xx
- Parking Lot Roads -- We do not name parking lot roads in the SER. Consult with your State Manager if you think a parking lot road segment should be named.
Often when US Hwys, State Roads, and County Roads pass through municipalities, they have a local name (e.g, "Main St"). Please see Road Names for instructions on how to name these segments. Check here for other states. Note that Freeway and Ramp segments do not have an included city name. Select the 'none' checkbox beside the city field for these types of road segments.
Road Segment Locking
In Bahamas we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.
A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current country standards.
Major Highway | 4 |
Minor Highway | 3 |
Primary Street | 2 |
Private Road | 1 |
Street | 1 (Auto) |
When to Split a Two-Way Road
Generally, a road should be undivided unless it meets ALL of the requirements for dividing a road. When initially reviewing whether to divide or "un-divide" (merge back together) a roadway, consider these points first:
- The default representation for any roadway is a single 2-way segment, even if the physical roadway is divided. Dividing a roadway carries with it the burden of proof that the change will improve the usability and/ or simplicity of the Waze map.
- If a road is currently working with no problem reports, consider leaving it as is.
- Prior to splitting a road, send a PM to one of the State Managers or Southeast Regional Coordinators.
- Try to avoid switching roads back and forth between being divided and 2-way. For example, if most of the road is clearly divided and only parts would be considered a single two-way road, consider leaving it all divided. If only a small portion seems better off divided, consider keeping it all 2-way.
A road may be divided when ALL of the following conditions are met:
- GPS tracks show a clearly definable and continuous gap (blank area) between the color-by-azimuth arrows at the 100m/500ft zoom level,
- Multiple houses or businesses with no off-street parking are located directly on the street but are not accessible from the opposite direction of travel due to lengthy median, obstruction, or traffic control signage, or
- U-turns are required to properly make turns from public driveable road types that are blocked by a median.
A road should not be divided when:
- There is a curb or non-driveable median less than 5m wide between lanes of travel (see exceptions above).
- The non-driveable median is interrupted by a cross segment at most intersections.
- There is a center turn lane (any width) between directions of travel. Dividing this type of road creates problems when people turn from the middle lane because there is no road for the navigation to follow.
- It is possible and legal to make a left turn/u-turn everywhere along the road
- The objective is solely for visual appearance or to make the road match another visual source like Google Maps. MATCHING GOOGLE (or any other map product) IS NOT A REASON.
Remember that dividing and undividing roads each comes with its own set of problems. Each situation is unique and some issues may be more manageable with a single two-way road, and some may work fine with a divided road. Consider every aspect of routing, and carefully examine each junction before dividing or undividing. Regardless of whether you're dividing or undividing, remember that you might cause more problems than you solve and you might have to put it back the way it was before. Also remember that dividing and undividing each cause loss of some traffic data, which can result in poor Waze routing.
Private Road Segments
Click here for guidance for use of the Private Road Segment in the Southeast.
True Elevation
NOTE: If you have any questions please seek guidance from one of the State Managers.
The Southeast Region uses the concept of True Elevation (TE) to better represent segments in relationship with its surroundings/ground level. Most segments should have an elevation of Ground unless they pass over another segment, waterway, or natural feature. Drivable and non-drivable segments are handled the same way with elevation.
- Segment travels over another segment (also known as Overpass).
- Segment travels over a large river or large body of water.
- Segment artificially elevated to pass over large ground level objects and large natural features.
A tunnel is any road segment that is underground and thus the GPS reception is inconsistent.
More Complex Interchange (requiring junctioning of ramp segments to maintain ground elevation)
Raised Freeway (over preserve area)
Below are two images showing the difference in Live Map rendering when True Elevation is not applied and then when True Elevation is applied. Take note on the shading along the edge of the segment when True Elevation is used and how it is missing when it is not.
![]() |
![]() |
Segment over water without True Elevation | Segment over water with True Elevation |
- Elevation of overlapping segments should be set relative to each other, with the lowest segment as Ground (unless that segment is a tunnel).
- Only elevate/lower the actual bridge/tunnel section of the road.
- Bridges should be cut at the start/end of the bridge where the land falls away. You can usually see guardrail at the start/end of the bridge section. Also the pavement type may change (Asphalt to Concrete for example).
- Do not cut segments for elevation purposes if the bridge starts/stops within 60m/200ft of an existing junction.
- Maintain some uniformity for display purposes when determining where to make the splits.
- No need to elevate segments over every small creek or box culvert. Only elevate over significant waterways or natural features.
- Only set elevation as low/high as necessary. For example, no segment should be Elevation +2 unless it passes over another segment with Elevation +1.
- Tunneled segments shall have lower elevation, relative to ground and Tunnel should be checked.
- Only segments that are actually underground should have the negative elevation.
- Tunnels should be cut at least 15m/50ft before and after the tunnel, to allow time for the GPS to regain signal.
- The use of common sense is paramount in using True Elevation.
NOTE: If you use the Bridge tool to join segments, be aware that this will raise the elevation of the joined segment and you must lower the joined segment as appropriate.
Mapping Resources & Functional Classification
Use only state DOT level Functional Classification (FC) maps when determine how to type (classify) a segment (Major Hwy, Minor Hwy, etc.). Some counties and cities have their own FC system, but only the state level system is to be used as a reference as these have been through a federal and state level approval process.
- Map Editor
- Functional Classification for other states.
Use of City Field
For Freeways and Ramps, the "Primary City" name should always be marked "None". (There is no "Alternate City".)
For All Other Segments,
- The "Primary City" name should be an incorporated municipality or a CDP (Census Designated Place) if that segment is confirmed to be within the established geographic limits. If a segment does not lie within one of these, the "Primary City" should be marked "None". Instructions on how to select the appropriate city name are set forth in Determining Primary City Name.
- The "Alternate City" name is always the city named in the USPS mailing address. If the "Primary City" name is the same as the USPS city, an "Alternate City" name is not needed. Segments may have multiple "Alternate City" names which are valid and approved for use by the USPS.
- Duplicate City Names: You may find cities and/or CDPs with exactly the same name. If you believe you have encountered a city or CDP that is a duplicate of another in the same state, first confirm the findings with your State Manager(s) (SMs). Your SM will facilitate the necessary naming changes. The convention for dealing with duplicate city/CDP names is as follows:
- Two cities of the same name (append county to the city with the smallest population) (See two cities example in the table below)
- City and (at least one) CDP of the same name (append county to CDP(s) name) (See city with one or more CDP example) If there are multiple CDPs sharing a name with a city, all CDPs will have county name appended.
- CDP and (at least one) CDP of the same name (append county to the CDP with the smallest population) (See two or more CDPs example in the table below). The largest CDP is the only CDP that will not have the county appended to the name.
- When the county name is appended, use this format (County Co). As an example, Orange County would be appended exactly as "(Orange Co)"
Type | Name | Population | County | In WME |
(two cities) | ||||
City | Happy | 25,000 | This | Happy (This Co) |
City | Happy | 50,000 | That | Happy |
(city with one (or more) CDP(s)) | ||||
City | North Happy | 50,000 | That | |
CDP | North Happy | 100,000 | Another | North Happy (Another Co) |
(two (or more) CDPs) | ||||
CDP | Glad | 15,000 | This | Happy (This Co) |
CDP | Glad | 70,000 | That | Happy |
A "City" name is required.
- For PPs, APs, and PLAs, the "City" name, as well as the rest of the address, is determined by the business or entity. Whatever it identifies as the address should be used.
- For RPPs, use the USPS mailing address city for the "City" name.
Alabama Mapping Resources
An important note about Alabama Code of laws is included on the page above. Click the header for relevant information for mapping in Alabama. Editors should always reference these local official sources for road naming. Those should be posted in the page above. If it is not please contact your State Manager for guidance.
Florida Mapping Resources
An important note about Florida traffic laws is included at the page linked above.
Click the link above for relevant information for mapping in Florida. Every county in Florida has online geographic resources from either the Property Appraiser's office and/or Geographical Information Systems (GIS) department. Editors should always reference these local official sources for road naming. Those should be posted in the page above. If it is not please contact your State Manager for guidance.
Florida Functional Classification
Click the link above for resources on functional classification.
Unsigned Florida SR#'s along US and Interstate Highways
Click the link above for more information about Unsigned FL SR#'s along US and Interstate Highways
Georgia Mapping Resources
Click the link above for relevant information for mapping in Georgia. Editors should always reference these official local sources for road naming when possible. Those should be posted in the page above. If it is not please contact one of your State Managers for guidance.
Update Requests & Comments
The southeast follows the national Update Requests (UR) & Comments guidance with the following exceptions:
Do not leave reminders at 4 days (or at any other time).
If you are the only editor to comment on a UR and all three of the following conditions apply:
- This UR has no information from the reporter in the “Problem” field that suggests a solution.
- There is no responding comment from the reporter/driver.
- There is no obvious issue to be resolved after surveying the map, the Waze route and the GPS track (if that information is included).
This UR can be closed when your comment is 5 days old.
If another editor left a comment for a reporter, there is no response from the reporter, AND the comment is at least 8 days old....look to see if you can solve the issue. If it can’t be solved simply put a comment about why it's being closed (i.e. "Closed due to inactivity.") and mark it Not Identified.
Do not over complicate the UR process. Please do not leave lengthy responses/questions. There are UR comment scripts that have been designed and approved by higher ranked editors available for your use. Scripts Page
(Tip: WME URComments Southeast is a script containing approved comments for use in the Southeast and is to be used with the main script WME URComments.)
The southeast follows the national Places guidance. The following exceptions to the national guidance are NOT mapped:
- interchanges/junctions
- water of any kind
- islands
- beaches
- toll plazas
Any exceptions to this rule will be locked to 5 or above. There are some rivers mapped as requested by Waze staff, but this is not the standard.
Exceptions to a point or area that ARE mapped in the southeast:
- Post Office is an area
- Library is an area
- Museum is an area
- Government is an area
- City Hall is an area
- Sports court is an area
- Car Dealership is always a point
- Camp Grounds / RV Parks are always a point
IMPORTANT Please do not work Place Update Requests (PUR) zoomed all the way out. Please zoom in to the place, make sure it's in the correct spot, and run the WME Place Harmonizer script to make sure everything is correct and entered. We want to make sure waze has the best experience for the drivers, so finding a place in search and getting to their destination accurately is extremely important!
Place Requirements & Lock Standards
Places may be locked only after the following information, at a minimum, is present: 1) correct name, 2) correct, complete address, 3) correct category, and 4) External Provider (google link), if one exists.
- RPPs must have a complete mailing address and an Entry Point must be set. (A google link is not required for an RPP.)
- For Parking Lots (PLAs), add an external provider ONLY IF it is a separate link to that PARKING LOT. (DO NOT ADD a glink for a business served by the PLA.)
- For Gas Stations, IF the brand of gas is not identified, leave the brand field blank. (DO NOT ADD the brand selection "UNBRANDED". The gas station entry (or stop) point should be placed over the gas pumps.
- For Universities and Colleges please reference the document in the SER Repository.
- Restaurants and Fast Food places that have delivery services such as Doordash, Foodnow, and Ubereats should have delivery selected under services.
Lock at level 5: Airports (and their PLAs), Arenas, Hospitals, Park and Ride lots, Highway Rest Areas, Urgent Care Centers, and Universities.
Lock at level 3: All other Places including PPs, APs, PLAs, and RPPs.
If you are unable to lock a Place high enough (due to level limitations), please lock it as high as you can. Then, post an up-lock request for help in the USA Unlock Forum or the unlock channel on the SER Discord server.
Place Mapping Guidance
Apartment/Condo/Townhouse Complexes
Map apartment complexes using the category of "Other" and set the place point (PP) at the leasing office when it is located in close proximity (you can see it from the main road in Street View or within a couple hundred yards) to the Main/Visitor usable entrance. (Most often the leasing office will be near this entrance and, if not, signage will guide the wazer.) If there is no obvious leasing office or if it is not near the main entrance, place the PP off to the side of the main road that leads to the main entrance. Set the entry point just inside the main/visitor entrance. Our goal is to get wazers to the complex regardless of whether a resident, potential renter, or visitor.
Add the apartment complex information as you would for any other PP. If necessary, the description field can be used for additional important information. For example, apartments are open 24/7 for residents/visitors and the leasing office hours are different. If appropriate, note the leasing office hours in the description (similar to how it is done for a pharmacy within a store).
DO NOT map PPs for clubhouses or the leasing offices separately for apartment/condo/townhouse complexes. (The single place point for the complex is sufficient.)
Gas Stations
- Verify that brand is correct (the field with dropdown near the bottom). If the brand of gas is not identified, leave the field blank. DO NOT use the brand selection 'UNBRANDED'.
- Ensure that the gas station name is correct.
SER follows the national guidance for Gas Stations with the following exceptions:
- • The gas station "Entry" point is placed over the gas pumps.
- • We DO NOT add a U-turn to PLRs for a gas station.
Housing Developments/Communities
We DO NOT map place points (PPs) specifically for housing developments or communities (aka subdivisions/neighborhoods). (Waze routes effectively to the street address for each building in the community.)
For gated neighborhoods, IF we receive multiple UR’s for bad routing which is due to multiple entrances and includes a residents-only gate, you may add a PP for the Main/Visitor gate. Make the primary name: Community Name “- Main Gate”, and the alternate: Community Name “ - Visitor Gate”. (Then, a wazer can add the gate PP as a stop on a route to the residence OR route to the gate PP and then route to the residence. Either method will address this routing issue.) Please contact SER Leadership for assistance with adding “gates” to a private community.
Places within other Places
Sometimes you will find a place within a place. Set the place point at the building entrance AND note that it's inside the other business in the Name field. WMEPH will ignore the information inside the parenthesis and pull the correct harmonization information. EXAMPLES:
- Subway inside a Walmart --> " SUBWAY (inside Walmart) "
- CVS inside a Target --> " CVS (inside Target) "
Place Harmonization
- Phone Numbers
- Places should follow one of the following telephone number formats: (XXX) XXX-XXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX
- Webpages
- Except for public schools (who that make extensive efforts to keep their naming schemes), please use the simplest URL that will get you to a chain's homepage, do not link directly to the chains location specific page. Examples are in the sheet below. Be sure to check that the URL works before using it in WME or submitting it to the Place Name Harmonization form or using it for a place.
Chain Harmonization Sheet
- The name spellings in the following sheet have been standardized for chains or franchises so that Wazers will receive consistent results when searching in the client. Please use them when you edit one of these chain or franchise businesses. The script WMEPH streamlines this process by automatically detecting those chains in the Name Field and inputting the information from this sheet.
- Missing Chains
- If you don't find the business you're looking for, and it has 10 or more locations, please use this form to submit the missing information. If the business operates in two or more SER states, just check SER where it says state and it will work in all three states.
- Issues with this form
- If you see any issues with this form please contact the moderator with a description of the problem, and the "row number" of the item with the issue.
View SER list full-screen in Google Sheets
Category Sheet
- Some places do not have a clear place category, so we have provided this list for ones we get regular questions about. If you think a business type should be added to this list, please use this form to submit the missing information and to the moderator that you have requested more information.
Major Construction Projects
See the states' Department of Transportation (DOT) web sites for a list of long term road closures and changes to traffic flow that impact the Waze Map.
Special Roads
Toll Roads
Toll roads have pricing contained in price files that are separate from WME but linked through segment and node IDs. Since changes affecting these IDs can break toll pricing calculations, please contact SER leadership before editing these segments.
If any of these IDs or their order are changed through cutting, merging, disconnection or deletion, the toll price file will not work. Much more detailed information is in the Waze Wiki for Tolls. https://wazeopedia.waze.com/wiki/USA/Toll#Prices
The Southeast region maps per Toll Road national guidance EXCEPT in the following situation:
ALL segments of a road with tolls should be marked with the “This is a toll road” attribute. To do this:
- Press “Add Restrictions” menu button in WME.
- Next, select the blue checkbox for “Toll road”.
- Then click on the Apply” button.
Reminder: For bridges or causeways, mark only the segment with the toll booth as a “Toll road”. If only one direction is tolled,
divide the road where the toll is collected AND mark only the segment with the toll booth as a toll road.
Alleys are only mapped if they lead to more than one business or residence.
Map Alleys which meet this condition as follows: If there is a name for the Alley, set the road type to Private Road. An Alley without a name should be set to PLR. To ensure routing issues have not been created in the map, review all streets adjacent to the alley and verify that 1) HN's are present and placed in the correct location, and, 2) Place Points snap to the correct segment.
Alleys which do not meet this condition are not to be mapped.
Boat Ramps
A boat ramp is a roadway that leads into water to float a boat to or from a trailer. Boat ramps are not to be mapped. Any adjacent parking may be mapped, but ensure that dead-end segments that point toward the ramp terminate at least 150 feet from where the ramp goes into the water.
Non-driveable Roads
Generally, if a path can't be driven on (e.g. Walking Trail, Pedestrian Boardwalk, Stairway) then it is not mapped. Waze is a driving app, not a pedestrian, bicycle, or flying app.
Emergency Vehicle and DOT Service Roads
We do not map Emergency Vehicle and DOT Service Roads.
For areas where residents are dependent upon ferries, see the Ferries Editing Manual. Please contact your RC for any questions deciding if a ferry should be mapped.
Parking Lot Roads
The Southeast region maps per PLR national guidance EXCEPT for the following situations:
- Do not add U-turns to ANY PLR segment (including those for PLAs and gas stations) and,
- Do not map transition penalty segments unless the problem was documented in an Update Request.
Railroads can be mapped, but they are not a priority at this time.
Segment & Turn Restrictions
In the Southeast where legally allowed, roads with medians (earthen, curbed, or striped pavement) or dedicated turn lanes should have U-turns enabled.
- Alabama Code: Turning on curve or crest
- Florida Statutes: Limitations on turning around
- Georgia Code: U-Turns
Reminder: The Southeast region DOES NOT ADD U-Turns to PLRs FOR Gas Stations and Parking Lot Areas (PLAs).
Closed Roads
Temporary Road Closures are the preferred method for road closures in the Southeast. Please contact a State Manager or higher for any of the closure types listed below. They will be happy to help with these.
- Major Traffic Events
- Temporary Road Closures
- Scheduled restrictions
- Disconnect road segments - In some cases it may be best to completely disconnect road segments. Please consult your Area Manager or higher for advice before disconnecting a segment.
For Mega Events we need advance notice so they will appear in the app and we can get the proper closure sheet for the event.
There are four methods to control traffic flow:
Please refer to the Partial Restrictions wiki for further guidance.
Red Light Cameras
New red light cameras are rare, so all should already be mapped. If you find a camera that needs to be added, please let a high ranking editor know so it can angled properly and locked as high as possible.
DO NOT USE PHOTOENFORCED AS A REFERENCE FOR CAMERA LOCATIONS. This website is inaccurate! Only use official websites, or (of course) your own eyes.
There is no need to purge the map of invalid and non-approved red light cameras. They drop off the map no more than 14 days from their report.
Known Camera Locations
Duval County Red Light Cameras
Orange County Red Light Cameras (2014)
Orlando, FL (Orange County) Red Light Cameras (2016)
Tallahassee Red Light Cameras Deactivated 8/17/15, slated for removal.
All Of Georgia (legally licensed locations only - not all are active - check with a GA State Manager)
Speed Cameras
Speed cameras that issue tickets are not located in Alabama and Florida. Georgia allows speed cameras effective May 8, 2018. Work with a senior editor when placing and approving cameras.
Other Camera Types
These are cameras or signs that either provide driver feedback or are used for traffic control. These devices CAN NOT issue tickets and are not mapped.
Proposed Wazeopedia Changes
Anyone who wishes to propose additions, changes, or corrections to the SER wazeopedia should send a DM to a State Manager and Regional Coordinator (listed below) with the proposed addition or change along with the reasons why (as appropriate). The SER leadership team will then review, discuss, and make a decision on the proposal.
Key Bahamas Editors
Username | Rank | PM | Country | Comments |
![]() | ||||
driving79 | 6 | PM | Bahamas Regional Coordinator United States |
![]() Global Champ |
itzwolf | 6 | PM | Bahamas Assistant Regional Coordinator United States |
![]() Local Champ |
Jakflash | 6 | PM | Bahamas AM United States |
![]() Local Champ |
spankdog | 6 | PM | Bahamas AM United States |
![]() Local Champ |
![]() | ||||
westjacksonfd | 5 | PM | United States | |
RainMan3699 | 5 | PM | United States | |
![]() | ||||
ardan74 | 5 | PM | United States | |
bruceqc | 5 | PM | United States | |
fjsawicki | 5 | PM | United States | |
n4dog | 5 | PM | United States | |
ramblinwreck_81 | 5 | PM | United States | |
willdanneriv | 5 | PM | United States | |
Xanders123 | 4 | PM | Norway | |
xkspeed | 5 | PM | United States | |
![]() | ||||
dBsooner | 5 | PM | United States | |
cjp1313 | 4 | PM | United States | Nassau |
spedracr | 5 | PM | United States | |