Single area split access from either direction
The Cullman County Rest Area on 1-65 - mile 301 in Dodge City, Alabama has a separate lot and entrance for either direction of traffic. It is a single area, with a single building serving both sides. However the two lots are separated and traffic is not able to cross over from one lot to other. You are not allowed to essentially make a u-turn on the fwy through the rest area.
In order for navigation to the Rest Area place to be seamless and reflect reality, we want to use only one place area, not one for each direction of travel. However in order for routing to work as expected the stop point can not be closer to either lot, or it will only be accessible from that side.
A workaround is needed
Using an unconnected segment for the stop point between both lots initially sounds like a good idea, but that causes a problem when drivers try to add the rest area "as a stop" along their existing navigation route. In order for the route not to fail there must be a valid way in and back out from the stop point.
The fix
We used a pair of Walking Trails