Iowa View history

Note - this is just an example - please edit wiki page source code for your town

Want to help out with the map in Iowa? Below is a list of projects that need to be done. Please see Waze Map Editor & Editing Best Practices for a starting point on how to edit the map.

When you are done, please update the info & turn the background gray. If you need help see How to edit wiki pages. Sounds scary but it's easy just watch this short video.

To Do List

Area/Route Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
US-63 TBD 01/27/2013 TBD US-63 at 230th Ave Permalink
Utica Ridge Rd, Bettendorf sixthdimension 5/5/2014 Construction Zone Utica Ridge Rd has been set to Private Road type to only allow local traffic, not thru traffic. Permalink until 11/21/2014