Huybee3 can be reached by private message.
- Joined Waze: 9 October 2017
- Location: St. Louis
- Editing Level: 5
- State Manager: Missouri
- Area Manager: Frederick MD
- 9 Oct 2017: Joined Waze
- 15 Oct 2017: Auto-Promotion to R2
- 3 Dec 2017: Granted AM to St. Louis MO
- 23 Dec 2017: Auto-Promotion to R3
- 2 Feb 2017: Granted AM to Frederick MD as part of PLN-MAR collaboration
- 6 Jul 2018: Promotion to R4
- 18 Aug 2018: Granted area expansion to eastern MO
- 8 Jan 2019: Promotion to Missouri SM
- 19 Mar 2019: Promotion to R5 and granted area expansion to entire PLN region.
Notable Projects and Contributions
- Road Closures in St. Louis: Manage most event and construction closures in the City and County of St. Louis.
- Basemap in MO: A never ending project.
- Scripts
- GIS Layers: One of the original layer contributors. Estimated to have added well over 500 layers to the scirpt.
- FC Layer: Helped add 20 states to the script.
- Junction boxes: "borderline unhealthy obsession with JBs"
MapRaid Participation
- AL-FL 2019
- KS-MO 2019: Planning committee, HOF #5
- South Carolina 2018: HOF #25
- West Virginia 2018: HOF #2
Meetup attendance
- PLN / GLR regional: STL (Oct 2019)
- Plains regional: MSP (Oct 2018)