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<big>Waze Wiki</big>
#REDIRECT [[USA:Junction Style Guide/Interchanges]]
Welcome to the Waze wiki.
=Getting Started=
* [[FAQ]]
* [[User Manual]]
* [[Manual de uso]]
=Map Editing=
* [[Editing your route on the map]]
* Editing Manual
** [[Cartouche - Update map]]
** [[How to fix scan problems (problems 1-31)]]
** [[How to fix merger problems (problems 51-60)]]
* [[How to label and name roads]]
* [[Known issues]] with Cartouche
* [[Cartouche Changelog]]
==My Dashboard==
Hello everybody, in this section we will explain you about all the personal information that you can get from your “Dashboard” .
First of all of we need to understand what it is “My Dashboard”  label and what do you can find inside it. Inside the Dashboard  label, you will find all your personal information and driving statistics. This info and statistics are personal, which is why you will only see them after sign in to the website.
After signing in, you will see that your Dashboard has been divided in four different sections or quarters. In each of them, you will find all your personal information and your driving activity inside Waze.
==Personal Details==
The First one of these sections is dedicated to your “Personal Details”. In this section you will can change and update your personal details such as your password, Birthday, Gender, etc. .
==Your recent routes==
The second section it is dedicated to “Your recent routes”. In this section you will be able to follow and check all your recent routes. For checking the route of your interest, you need to click into the link of “show route”.
For more information about your archive you can visit, the following page.
Please note that your routes usually take up to 24 hours before they are uploaded to your dashboard. So usually you will be able to see all the drives from yesterday (and before).
==your Rank and Points==
The third section is dedicated to your Rank and Points. In this section you  will able to follow your progress and driving activity inside Waze. Each field represents a different type of your activity inside Waze. Every night our system will calculate all the points that you accumulated in all the different fields through the day. The system will then allocate you in your new position inside the rank table. Your rank can change on a daily basis.
==optimize your daily commute==
The fourth and last section is dedicated to “optimize your daily commute”. In this section you will be available to follow your daily commute statistics.
(coming soon...)
=Forum Tips and Tricks=
* [[Login to forum]]
* [[RSS feed for subforums]]
=Map Editing - Different languages=
==United Kingdom==
* [[How to label and name roads (United Kingdom)]]
* [[How to label cities (United Kingdom)]]
* [[How to label and name roads (Netherlands)]]
* [[Checklist basiskaart]]
* [[Plaatsen in Nederland]]
* [[How to label and name roads (Italian)]]
* [[Straßen zuordnen und benennen]]
* [[Übersetzung der POIs aus Cartouch]]
* [[Anleitung fuer Benutzer]]
* Instruktioner till Cartouche
** [[Introduktion till Cartouche]]
** [[How to label and name roads (Sweden)]] dvs. Vägtyper och Namn
** [[SCAN problem 1-31]]
** [[MERGER problem 51-60]]
** [[Vanliga frågor och Svar ang. Cartouche]]
* [[Como categorizar y nombrar vías (España)]]
* [[Comment nommer les routes et les villes]]
* [[Cartouche - Carte d'édition]]
* [[Manuel d'édition (Petit manuel du parfait petit responsable de zone (Area manager))]]
* [[Problèmes de scan]]
* [[Avancement des zones]]
* [[Normalisation des POI]]
==Lietuviškai / Lithuanian==
* [[Klausimai ir atsakymai|Klausimai ir atsakymai (Lietuviškai / Lithuanian)]]
* [[Označovanie ciest na Slovensku]]
* [[Návod na úpravu máp (Cartouche)]]
* [[Area Managers na Slovensku]]
* [[Zmeny v doprave]]
* [[Značení cest v České republice]]
* [[Como categorizar e nomear vias (Brasil)]]
* [[Hvordan vi navngiver vejene(Denmark)]]
* [[Edicion de tu ruta en el mapa]]
* [[Como categorizar y nombrar vias]]
=How to send log files=
*[[Turn on debug mode]]
=Current Phone Versions=
* [[iPhone]]
* [[Android]]
* [[Windows Mobile]]
* [[Symbian]]
* [[Blackberry - client version's features|Blackberry - alpha version issues]]
* [[Source code]]
* [[Translate waze (client text) to your local language]]
'''What happened to the wiki articles that used to live here?''' <br/>
Don't worry. All the hard work you've put in so far was saved on the new file.
We've changed the way we work on translating waze to make it easier for all sides. Please check the new wiki article (above) for all the info.
=Area Manager FAQ=
* [[Area Manager: 101]]
* [[Area Manager: Diagnosis]]
* [[Area Manager: Tips and Tricks]]
* [[Area Manager: YouTube Training Videos]]
* [[Area Manager: How to edit wiki pages]]
=Area Manager To Do lists - Map Editing=
* [[To Do lists - Major Cities]]
* [[To Do lists - POI Categories]]

Latest revision as of 18:18, 8 January 2022