Live issues appear on the Client application map as they are reported by other Wazers, or as they are detected by the Waze servers monitoring the traffic flow through other Wazer client devices. Some reports only appear on the Editing map where Wazers like yourself will make changes to the map that appear later after a scheduled map update.
How to report
From the Client application on the Waze Main Map, tap the bottom right Report () button to bring up the report manu and select the desired report button.
Once you press the report button from the main map, the current location and time are stored and will be included when you finally save the report. If the Waze server is not currently in communication with your client device, you cannot create the report.
Time delay
Because of technical limitations and privacy, live reports will generally be delayed about 30 to 120 seconds before they appear on the client map. Other reports that are not live will appear on the map after a map editor (Wazers like youself) takes your information and adds it to the map.
Live reports will appear on the client map about 60 minutes from when they are reported, or until another Wazer clicks 'Not There' when prompted by the Waze server during an alert to the user. The countdown timer will reset for some additional period of time beyond the initial 60 minutes when another Wazer clicks the 'Thumbs Up' button on an alert.
Generic Additions
On every live report, you can optionally add details about the incident or indicate it as headed the opposite direction.
- Record a three-second audio file for users to hear, preventing having to type out instructions while driving.
- Report will alert users headed your same direction. This is the default setting.
- If you see something headed in the opposite direction of travel on your road, you can click the "Other Lane" button to have it report the issue only to vehicles headed the other direction. There is no method currently to indicate live issues on other roads near your travel.
Saving Reports for Later
Clicking the Later button will save the report time and location so if you do not want to be distracted by creating a report at that moment, you can submit it when you have stopped along your route or reached your final destination. If you do not hit any button within 10 seconds after selecting the report type, your report will automatically be saved for later. It will appear as a floating tab at the middle-left of the client map. Press the tab to reopen it.
Only one report can be saved or entered at any time. If you save a report for later and need to report something else, the second report will remove the first one.
Live report types
Live report types are those which will immediately appear on the client map after you save the report.
Traffic jam
Reporting a traffic jam happens automatically when you're in slow traffic, but you can manually report traffic issues as well. When you slow down in an area that the Waze server has not previously seen slow traffic, it will ask you if you are in stopped traffic. If you simply pulled over to the side of the road out of the lanes of traffic, say no to the request. Otherwise you can report the issue to help other Wazers coming behind you.
The shortcut to this report from the client map on the iPhone requires sliding the Report Button () to the left.
From here, you can choose the traffic type:
- Moderate (Slowdown to less than half of normal speed)
- Heavy (Stops every now and then)
- Standstill (Stops 50% of the time)
Reporting Police can only happen manually. You can report Police that are setting up speed traps, watching red light runners, and HOV lane violations. It is best not to report police driving or moving because the report will only be indicated for the location you saw them and the next Wazer who gets the alert will not see them there and indicate 'Not There' and remove the alert.
Choosing between hidden and visible can help other Wazers spot the police car. If you select neither, the report will just show as 'Police.'
- Visible (Police are plainly visible from a long range)
- Hidden (Police are visually obstructed from the place they are watching, making them difficult to see from the road)
Reporting accidents enables other users to navigate around the area with alternate routes. Its useful to take a picture of the accident as you move around it to give other Wazers a visual indication of how big is the incident. Accidents can vary, but generally any incident involving one vehicle hitting another (regardless of how small) should be reported as an accident and not an object on the side of the road.
Here you can choose between two accident types. If you select neither one, it is simply listed as an Accident in the alert.
Hazards are issues with the road that affect driving, but aren't necessarily a major issue. This can be weather related, or objects in the road.
You can select from 3 types of hazards which then shows a list of sub-types from there. If you select none of the hazard buttons, you can describe any hazard in the details box and send it as a general hazard.
- On Road (Issues that are in direct lanes of Traffic. For accidents, choose Accident Report.)
- Construction - Construction Hazards should only be reported if they block lanes of normal traffic.
- Roadkill - When roadkill is in the middle of lanes of traffic.
- Object on Road - An object is in lanes of traffic which Wazers may need to avoid, such as a broken tire, or box or something (for Roadkill, see above).
- Pothole - When a pothole is in lanes of traffic and causing vehicles to drive around it to avoid it.
- Shoulder (Issues that are on the side of the road, not in lanes of normal traffic. Note that lanes under construction and those not fit for civilian travel are considered shoulder)
- Car Stopped - When a car stops on the shoulder for repairs or other issues. Note that for Accidents pulled over into the shoulder, you should use the Minor Accident report.
- Animals - When an animal or roadkill is on the shoulder.
- Missing Sign - When a sign is down or missing because of weather, a prior accident or malicious intention.
- Weather (Issues significant enough that may cause drivers to need to be more alert or select an alternate route.)
- Fog
- Hail
- Rain
- Snow
Chit chat
The social aspect of Waze enablers Wazers to interact with each other through the use of the Chit Chat reports, comments on reports, or pings between users. The Chit Chat report can be used to make general comments along the route.
Other report types
The other types of reports available in the Waze client application do not directly show up on the client map, but in some cases are sent to the Editing map being edited by other Wazers like yourself. Once the information is added to the Editing map, it will appear in the Client map after a scheduled map update.
The Client map will display speed and traffic light cameras for Wazers to be aware of them. If you find an area of the map that does not yet indicate one of these cameras, you can report it with this report option. Note that the speed cameras will only send an alert to drivers that exceed the speed indicated by the camera and if the option to display speed cameras is enabled in the client settings.
There are three different camera types that can be reported. Once you send your report, a note is added to the Editing map to be reviewed and added to the map by the editors. After they are added you will see them in the client map (usually a week or so).
- Speed (For speed cameras tracking excessive speeds on the road.)
- Red light (For cameras capturing vehicles entering intersections on a red light.)
- Fake (For cameras that are not operating, but deter drivers by appearing like real cameras.)
Map issue
Gas prices
Check in
Waze uses a point system to reward users who contribute to the overall Waze application, when reporting most issues. Chit chats and pings do not accumulate points. See the points article for more information.