Uploads by DrHenryJonesSr

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:52, 22 January 2022 Median Segments associated with a hash intersection.png (file) 609 KB Median Segments associated with a # intersection. 1
14:48, 22 January 2022 Median Segments associates with a hash intersection.png (file) 609 KB Median Segments associated with a # intersection. 1
14:34, 22 January 2022 Median Segments that serve as LHT.png (file) 730 KB Segments between a divided road that serve as a left turn lane are considered at-grade connectors (not median segments) 1
14:32, 22 January 2022 Median Segment with roads on each side.png (file) 557 KB Median Segment with roads on each side of the divided roadway where the road name does NOT change at the intersection 1
14:31, 22 January 2022 Median Segment with roads on each side where the name changes.png (file) 517 KB Median Segment with roads on each side of the divided roadway where the road name DOES change at the intersection 1
14:30, 22 January 2022 Median Segment with no associated roads.png (file) 717 KB Median Segment with no associated roads on either side of the divided roadway 1
14:28, 22 January 2022 Median Segment with one associated road.png (file) 536 KB Median Segment with one road associated on either side of the divided roadway 1