Quebec Voir l’historique

Functional classification for superior road network


Autoroutes, or limited-access highways, such as the 20, 40, 55 or any *20, *30, *40, etc. are considered freeways. This are drawn in yellow with a red outline on the province's official road map (select Réseau routier).

An exception to this rule is Rte 125 between Aut 440 and the Island of Montreal, which is a freeway in all but name. Aut 50 is also still a freeway, even though some small parts of it are not limited access and some are only two lane with no divider. Aut 20 is not a freeway in Vaudreuil-Dorion because there are traffic lights on it there.

  Major Highway - Route Majeure 

Major highways are classified as ''Route nationale''.

  Minor Highway - Route Mineure 

Minor highways are classified as ''Route régionale'' and ''Collectrice de transit''.

Inside an agglomeration, we use Minor Highway for arterial roads.

A very general rule of thumb is that 100-series highways are major while 200 and 300-series highways are minor. This is not completely accurate, however, so look at the road map.

Please consult this official map of Quebec to determine the status of non-highway roads.

Functional classification for municipal roads

IMPORTANT: Before classifying roads inside an agglomeration, please contact phil-mtl or Webs101.

 Major Highway - Route Majeure  Use for major arterial roads

 Minor Highway - Route Mineure  Use for minor arterial roads. If the city has only one type of arterial roads, use this one.

 Primary Street - Rue Primaire  Use for collector roads.


Of course, the Montréal area is distinct. You may read more detail on the Montréal Area page. For convenience, some of the information is repeated here.

Road and Name Abbreviations

The English Waze TTS reads French abbreviations such as "Ch" as "chemin" and "Aut" as "autoroute" so we can use them freely. Remember not to use periods, per the Waze guidelines.

The list of abbreviations that we use is identical to the list provided by Canada Post. It is mostly common sense, but Montée (no abbreviation) and Ruelle (Rle) are tricky.

We can freely use "St-" for "Saint" and "Ste-" for "Sainte", but they must have the hyphen. Without a hyphen, they will be pronounced "street" and "suite" (possibly). In practice, we keep spelling those out as of 2019 but there is no real reason not to use the abbreviations.

Highways and Ramps

Quebec has numbered autoroutes and routes. We use the standard Rte abbreviation for routes. The Aut abbreviation does not yet work in Waze TTS, but we use it anyway.

Although some highways may have names, these names are rarely if ever listed on the on-ramp signs so we leave them out. We don't mark Aut 40 as the Trans-Canada. Visitors who don't know that the 40 is the T-Can could get confused, and that's the opposite of what Waze is striving for. So we just call it Aut 40. The alternate street names field works well for adding additional routes etc.

Contrary to Waze practice we do not use "to" or "vers" on highway ramps. The French TTS doesn't handle "to" and the English one doesn't omit "vers". We just deal with it.


We use Est and Ouest because a) that's what the signs mention and b) English Waze clients have no idea what O stands for. Same for Nord and Sud.

The English TTS pronounces translates the cardinal directions into English.


Nearly every compound street name and city name uses a hyphen even if it's the name of a person:

  • Boul René-Lévesque Est
  • Ch de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
  • Salaberry-de-Valleyfield

Unless the last name is composed of two words: Av Pierre-De Coubertin or Rue Cavalier-De La Salle. (This is why Dollard-Des Ormeaux is spelled that way.)

It pays to know your history when deciding which French articles and prepositions to capitalize. For a made-up example, look at Rue De/de La/la Roche.

  • If named after a person named Pierre de la Roche, the street would be Rue De La Roche.
  • If name after Pierre La Roche or after a place in France called La Roche, the street would be Rue de La Roche.
  • If it is not named for anyone or anything and is just supposed to be Rock Rd, it would be Rue de la Roche.

For real examples, take Rue De La Gauchetière (named after Joseph-Daniel Migeon, sieur de la Gauchetière) or Boul De La Vérendrye (for Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye). Note that the different street signs often use different capitalizations for the very same street!

Sometimes, roads named after English places: Rue Duff Court. In general, Quebec will not hyphenate place names but will hyphenate a person's name, although the pattern is not foolproof. Use Street View to figure it out by looking at the street signs.

If in doubt, consult the Commission de toponymie du Québec search page.

We do not use Town/Municipality/Village/Ville/City of/de to name municipal entities. There are only two exceptional cases. One is Ville Mont-Royal, which is how everyone refers to it. The other is when two municipalities share a name but differ in kind of municipality, like Hatley and Canton de Hatley.

We do not list the separate boroughs of agglomerated cities with the exception of Montreal because of the city's numerous duplicated street names. Boroughs are identified in brackets like "Montréal (Verdun)". We always use the French form of a city name.

A few separate municipalities in different regions use the same name. In that case, we distinguish them by region like this: Saint-Isidore (Montérégie) and Saint-Isidore (Roussillon).

In all other cases, this document takes precedence over what is currently on the Waze map for this region.